WMA: Walking My Path With Purpose
By Cindy Allen
As we begin a year of thinking about leaving a godly legacy, I think we have to realize there may be some changes we have to make in our lives. I mean, I am a good person — I go to church, I read my Bible, I attend Bible study. But is that enough?
As I look at my life and think about the type of legacy I want to leave for those who will follow behind me, I see some areas of improvement. One of those areas has to do with the lack of intentionality in my Christian walk.
In Eph. 2:10, we read how God created each of us for a specific purpose. But we all also have purposes in common, things God expects all Christians to do — love the Lord your God with all your heart, go ye into all the world and make disciples and love your neighbor as yourself.
Get the picture? Most of these things do not just happen, we have to purpose them in our hearts, then in our lives. If we look at Jesus and His life, we see it was very intentional. In the Great Commission we are told, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19 NIV). This literally means “as you are going make disciples”. Let’s look at some examples of Jesus as He was going and see how we can apply to our lives.
In Luke 19, we are introduced to Zacchaeus. Jesus was going on His way, surrounded by people, and Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see him. Jesus could have just walked on by, glancing around at the crowd, but he took time to really look at the crowd and notice people. That intentionality changed Zacchaeus’ life forever, and the life of everyone in his household.
Do I really look at the crowds around me? If I am honest, I dash through the grocery store, avoiding as many people as possible. Often, even at church, I choose the path of quickest escape, not noticing those around me, those who might need a word of encouragement or a hug. To live life on purpose means to really look at others and see who I can positively impact, “as I am going”.
In John 4, we meet the Samaritan woman. Jesus went out of His way to meet this woman. He took a path no one would have chosen. Imagine doing that in this day and age. I am way too busy to go out of my way to intercept someone who is in need of God’s love. My goodness, I have things to do.
But Jesus looked at it differently. Way back at the age of 12, he told Mary and Joseph, “wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49). Do I have this same attitude? Am I about my Father’s business?
The story of Lazarus had a different twist. Jesus was intentional, but because of intentionally delaying His visit, His friend died (John 11). Who would make that choice for a friend? But as always, Jesus had a purpose. “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40 NIV). Sometimes the intentional choices we make that honor God bring about hardship for others. Maybe you have a child who has used up all their chances, or a friend who may not wake up until they hit rock bottom. Those situations are hard to be in, but if we do what is best for the honor and glory of God, we will always make the best choice.
I want my legacy to be one that points to Jesus. “As I am going,” I want to leave footprints that will show a godly path. To do so, I must live on purpose for God. I must make choices, often hard choices, I may not want to make. I have to go out of my way, get out of my comfort zone. To be honest, most people in my comfort zone love Jesus as much as I do. Sure, I can impact their lives, but am I really impacting the world, even my little corner of it?
Sometimes it is scary. Sometimes it is hard. Sometimes it requires a lot of effort. But when we look at Jesus’ life and the difference He made, and consider that we can make a big difference too, isn’t it all worth it? Can’t we all do better at living our life on purpose for God?
• Prayer — God forgive me for the times I have fallen so short of living a life on purpose for you. Please Lord, send someone else to impact the people I did not impact that were in my path. Help me, God to be more like Jesus. Open my eyes to the crowd around me, nudge me to go out of my way for your glory, help me to make hard decisions that lead others closer to you. God, bless my efforts and move my heart to do better. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Scripture — Eph. 2:10; Luke 19:1-9; John 4:1-42; John 11:1-44
• Respond — Every morning, pray specifically for God to open your eyes to people who are in need of His touch. Then during the day, keep your eyes open for those people. Be sensitive to the Spirit as He points you in different directions. Look at disruptions as opportunities, not interruptions. The world needs love and Jesus charged us to show them love. But they are probably not going to walk up and say, “Hey, I need some love.” We are going to have to look for them, just like Jesus did.
— These articles are shared via the National WMA web page blog that can be accessed at nationalwma.org/blogs.
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