CBC PROFILE: The Time is Now to Schedule Your CBC Day All The News|CBC Profile CBC PROFILE: The Time is Now to Schedule Your CBC Day When a farmer or an experienced gardener harvests their crops, fruits or vegetables, they do not delay in gathering their produce. We share that...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Stepping Up To The Plate All The News|CBC Profile STUDENT MINISTRY: Stepping Up To The Plate As youth ministers, we are often called to fill the pulpit in our churches. Pastor on vacation, Sunday evening services and youth Sundays all...
CBC PROFILE: CBC Launches Legacy Leaders All The News|CBC Profile CBC PROFILE: CBC Launches Legacy Leaders The Central Baptist College alumni office is pleased to announce a new sustainable giving program entitled “Legacy Leaders.” A monthly...
CBC Announces BMA Promise Scholarship Program All The News|CBC Profile CBC Announces BMA Promise Scholarship Program In the June 2-3 board meeting, the CBC Board of Trustees approved a “tuition-free” scholarship program for all members of the BMA of America...