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As I write this, I am less than a month away from my son’s wedding. He and his finance asked me to perform the ceremony and I’m honored to do it. I love them dearly. My biggest concern is making it through the service without turning into a blubbering mess. Weddings are the end of one phase of life. No longer will his family priority be with his mom, sister and me. It will be all about his new bride, and that’s how it should be. January 2 will mark a new phase of life for Riley and ...
I love the new year, and 2022 will kick off with a bang for the Carson family. On Jan. 2, we will add a daughter to our family as my son marries his sweetheart. We are all excited about Mariel becoming a part of our family. She is sweet and kind, but sassy enough to keep up with my wife and daughter.
You may be looking forward to your own excitement for 2022. Graduations, weddings, vacations and even retirements may be some of the things that have you excited for the ...
It is easy to look at our youth groups and schools to see that the world is full of young people. However, where is the next generation of pastors, youth pastors and ministers? Do you have young people that aspire to serve God through a life of vocational ministry? Are there students in your church that need the opportunity to flex their ministry muscles and see that a life of ministry is a possibility for them? We can’t “call” them into ministry ourselves, but there are things ...
Last week, I attended my last on-campus seminar for my Doctor of Ministry. I am still a long way from being finished, but I won’t be going back to campus on a regular basis for a week of interaction with others. Now I have the hard work of preparing, implementing and reporting on a ministry project. I’m in the dissertation phase of my education. As I started to leave campus, I started to get a little emotional. I have found new friends and mentors on campus. I have had the ...