Greatest Job in the World Greatest Job in the World Someone, somewhere designated October as Pastor Appreciation Month. I’m not sure who that someone was, but he or she ought to be... All The News|In My Own Words
The Trail of Band-Aids The Trail of Band-Aids As I have reached that certain age, there are many shots my 12-year-old doctor has recommended that I take. Each shot is followed by a... All The News|Leave It To Cleaver
Time to Speak Up Time to Speak Up The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone. To tell you the truth, I was dreading the day. There are many days in my life that... All The News|In My Own Words
Who's To Blame Who's To Blame What a joy it was to meet with so many of my BMA family and friends at the BMA National Meeting in Waxahachie, Texas. The substance of... All The News|In My Own Words