STATE MISSIONS: Why is There So Much Evil and Suffering? All The News|Arkansas State Missions STATE MISSIONS: Why is There So Much Evil and Suffering?
STUDENT MINISTRY: The Worker and Family STUDENT MINISTRY: The Worker and Family All The News|Student Ministry Matters
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JUST THINKING: Where to Turn When Troubles Arise JUST THINKING: Where to Turn When Troubles Arise Each week, I am around people from every lifestyle. I am often engaged with them from minutes to hours. I was just thinking about a common... All The News|Just Thinking
SPINNING MY GEARS: Triage in Ministry - Prioritizing Unity and... SPINNING MY GEARS: Triage in Ministry - Prioritizing Unity and... Unpredictable wait times cause frustration among the people assembled in the local emergency department (ED). When we go to a restaurant... All The News|Spinning My Gears
STAND FIRM: Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Eyes (Part 1) STAND FIRM: Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Eyes (Part 1) I believe what the Bible says will happen will truly happen, but when those very events seem to come across the news, it is surreal. On my... All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic
EVERYTHING WE NEED: Cry Out To God EVERYTHING WE NEED: Cry Out To God Have you ever felt like life has knocked you down? What do you do when you are overwhelmed, in despair and feel like no one seems to... All The News