STATE MISSIONS: What are You Thankful For? STATE MISSIONS: What are You Thankful For? All The News|Premium Content|Arkansas State Missions
STUDENT MINISTRY: Days Focused on Him STUDENT MINISTRY: Days Focused on Him Thanksgiving Day. Black Friday. Local Saturday. Cyber Monday. It is exhausting. The world seems to be screaming at us to buy stuff. It... All The News|Premium Content|Student Ministry Matters
HEALTHY CHURCH SOLUTIONS: Relationship Versus Performance HEALTHY CHURCH SOLUTIONS: Relationship Versus Performance Are you healthy? Are you practicing regular intimacy with Christ that produces a peace that surpasses human understanding? Do you possess a... All The News|Premium Content|Healthy Church Solutions
JUST THINKING: Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen JUST THINKING: Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen I was just thinking about an old hymn by Robert E. Winset — “Jesus is Coming Soon.” Here are some lyrics: “Troublesome times are here,... All The News|Premium Content|Just Thinking
EVERYTHING WE NEED: The Pulpit Committee EVERYTHING WE NEED: The Pulpit Committee A pulpit committee consists of a few people whose responsibility is to find, screen and recommend candidates to fill a pastoral vacancy in... All The News|Premium Content|Feature Writers