2023 Associational Involvement Survey for Pastors
In the April 19, 2023 issue of the Baptist Trumpet, we included a four-page insert about why it is important to be involved in our associational work on every level — local, state and national. Our goal with the insert was to help start/continue the conversation about the decline in active participation in our associational work. We believe — and even exist to further the idea — that our associational work is important and allows us to “do more together” than we can do on our own, regardless of the size of your church.
To further the conversation, we developed survey questions to give you an opportunity to share how much you are or are not involved in our associational work and why or why not. Our goal is to learn the reality of where we are as an association and, most importantly, use the information to encourage greater involvement in our work on every level.
Please go to BaptistTrumpet.com/survey to complete the survey no later than Aug. 31. It is not required that you share your name, but if you would like to talk directly with us about any of these issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Associate Editor Allan Eakin at (501) 565-4601. You can also email us at editor@baptisttrumpet.com (Jeff) or associateeditor@baptisttrumpet.com (Allan).
We will be sharing the results beginning in September and as we travel to the different local association meetings in the fall. Our goal is to have 100 pastors complete the survey by Aug. 31. Please share with other pastors that may not receive the Trumpet. We will also be sharing on social media so you can watch for it there.
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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