All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: Life-When Everything Doesn't Come Together
I was just thinking about the penchant the Mitchell family has for jigsaw puzzles. We love the challenge of having 1,000 pieces jumbled and undone before us with full intention of making them come together. Our goal, of course, is to make them look like the photo on the box. Karen and I opened up one of those boxes of challenge and we worked on it for a few days… but we gave up! Everything just did not come together as it was supposed to!
Some Amazing Lyrics
Stormie ...
STAND FIRM: Church, We Must Get Israel Right, Because God Still Has a Plan for Israel
I’ve spent my last three articles sharing how severe it can be if the church gets Israel wrong. I hope I’ve convinced you that we need to step back and open our eyes to what Scripture says about our relationship with Israel and God’s continued plan for them. Even if you already have a favorable outlook toward the Jews and the nation of Israel, I hope you will still see the need to align your...