By Rose Bittner, Reporter
A small, but motivated, group from The Master’s Builders began work at HomeStretch Baptist Church, in Cleveland, Miss. on May 8 for a week. There were five men and four ladies who were able to come. This church building is a mission church building The Master’s Builders originally helped construct in 2010. Ed Duvall was the missionary pastor then and remains the pastor to this church family today. Each morning for the builders started with a devotion time, ...
by Mark Jones, President
The BMA of America National Brotherhood met April 25 at Antioch Baptist Church in Conway. Officers this year are President Mark Jones, First Vice President Bryan Buckley, Second Vice President Van Widger, Third Vice President Dennis Baker, Secretary/Treasurer Scott Kirkland, Galilean Promoter Dan Williams and Assistant Galilean Promoter Maverick Hendricks. The...