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STAND FIRM: Biggest Prophetic Event in 2022
I began 2022 by writing about how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine wasn’t a fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39, the Gog-Magog War. Many looking back on this year would write that crisis was the biggest prophetic development this year, but I disagree. We don’t know what the greatest unfolding prophetic moment was this year, there’s likely something insignificant that will pave the way to an eventual fulfillment of prophecy — something like Caesar’s decree for Jews to return to their ancestral ...
CBC SPORTS UPDATE: December 21, 2022
Men’s Basketball
• Hannibal, Mo., Dec. 13 — Stepping back into American Midwest Conference (AMC) play, CBC took on the Trojans of Hannibal-LaGrange (HLGU) at the Mabee Sports Complex. CBC (9-4, 3-1 AMC) started fast, leading 37-14 at the half and cruising to a 70-44 win over HLGU (5-6, 1-3 AMC).
• Conway, Dec. 17 — Playing inside A.R. Reddin Fieldhouse for the final...