All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: Dealing With Difficult Students
Over the years, we have all dealt with students that we might have wanted to hand off to another youth group. Their difficult natures can take the shape of disrespect, apathy and, sometimes, just plain meanness. It can be frustrating as you start moving forward in your group and are held back by that one kid. So, what do we do? Do we ban the student from student ministry gatherings? Let’s call that the nuclear option and we will discuss that toward the end of the article. However, I think ...
JUST THINKING: I Am A Premillennialist
I was just thinking about a text I recently received. I was asked if I believe in a premillennial return of Christ. My simple reply was, “I certainly do!” When it comes to the Word of God, I am a literalist. However, I am by no means alone in that belief. Some of the great theologians of history were/are as well. I must add that I also believe the Bible teaches a pretribulation rapture of...