All The News|Lifeword Cloud
Lifeword Sunday
By Heather Harrison, Lifeword Writer
“Go and make disciples of all nations…” When Jesus first proclaimed these words, did He envision people would still be taking His commission seriously, using a variety of methods, thousands of years later? When His words first rang out, there were no cell phones, no social media and no email. There were simply men and women who heard the Greatest News, received it and told others. God worked mightily through their simple obedience to His ...
"Everlasting Smiles" to Children in Ukraine
By Margaret Anderson
It’s that time of year again! These days are always very exciting around the Global Ministry Center because it feels like Christmas! Since July, we’ve been working with and hosting churches to take part in preparing Everlasting Smiles Christmas Shoeboxes to be distributed to Ukrainian refugees in Eastern Europe, and just last week, the first container of gifts was...