If you’re a parent, you likely have said or thought about how much easier it would be if you knew the future. Parenting would be a snap if you had a crystal ball or an accurate magic eight ball. The thing is — you do! You have a road map of this age. You have the end of the maze. No, we don’t have all the details we would like to possess, but by knowing the absolute end of things from biblical prophecy, we can know the trajectory in which things are headed. Typically, the knowledge of ...
Danny & Rita Ballard • The Philippines
Greetings from the Philippines. We would like to say thank you to all of those who have been praying for us and supporting us in the ministry here in the Philippines. Rita and I have felt the prayers this past few months. Like most people, we also had our battle with the COVID-19 virus but thankfully, by God’s grace, everyone made it through it okay....