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ANNUAL SERMON: The Destructive Power of our Words
By Terry Kimbrow, President • Central Baptist College
I am a loser! I really am! I’m always misplace my keys and glasses (sometimes they're on my face). I probably spend hours each year looking for the TV remote! And yes, I occasionally forget where I parked my car. As for my iPhone, I have an Apple Watch, and the best feature is that it helps me locate my phone. I’m just waiting for a new, improved model to track my other belongings. It would definitely make my life easier. I know ...
BMA of Arkansas Meets
The 75th annual BMA of Arkansas meeting was held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 7-8, at Central Baptist College. The theme, chosen by President Tony Crocker, was “For All the Churches” based on II Cor. 11:28.
The final Enrollment Committee report indicated there were 95 messengers enrolled, with 82 churches represented at the meeting (47 by messenger and 35 by letter only) and 18...