All The News|Student Ministry Matters
Happy Birthday,CBC!
This week marks the 70th anniversary for Central Baptist College. While we often think of slowing down by the time we reach 70 years of age, I am hopeful to see CBC move forward stronger than ever. And, I think they will. Why? Because they continue to make the most important thing, the most important thing — Jesus. Whether it is in the weekly chapel services, student-led Bible studies or the required Bible classes, Central seeks to provide a Christ-focused education that is challenging, ...
Off to a Good Start
This week the district association meetings began Thursday night with the Mount Calvary Association meeting at Letona Baptist Church just west of Searcy. The BMA of the Ozarks convened Friday afternoon at Springdale Baptist Church. Three meetings were scheduled to meet Saturday, which usually happens, and as I was only able to attend one, it was time in my rotation to attend the North...