Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Missionary Committee meeting on Thursday, Feb. 10 as our association will be considering two men to serve as state missionaries. I pray we will have a crowd to vote and, hopefully, welcome these men. The meeting will be at South City Church in Little Rock, next to the BMA State Office, at 10 a.m.
Being from a family of seven boys and one girl made her special. After Mother passed, she became the hub of the wheel. Sadly, Friday ...
Name: Bryan Clay
Address: 137 Silver Springs Drive, Benton, Ark. 72015
Email: mr.bryanclay@gmail.com
Mission field I’ll be serving in: We are still looking, but probably between Benton and Hot Springs.
Primarily, my ministry will include preaching the gospel, discipleship groups for all ages and serving the community.
My wife’s maiden name is Kelley McElroy.
My favorite...