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STAND FIRM: The Epic Story of Truth (Part 5): Disobedience, Disinheritance And the Lord’s Portion
In continuing this overview of the single narrative running throughout Scripture — the true epic story — we are bouncing back to Genesis. We began with Creation and, after Adam and Eve were punished and the earth was cursed, God declared that a Promised One would come. This Promised One would defeat Satan and bring about the restoration of not just mankind, but the world. That led us to Revelation 19-22, where that hint in Gen. 3:15 is fleshed out.
Next, we returned to ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Five Laws of Spiritual Leadership
Henry Blackaby wrote, “God will always sanctify you before He sends you… When God’s people allow God’s truth to realign them to God’s will and God’s standard, then the power of God will be released through them the same way it was through the first disciples.” Oswald Chambers said, “I have to learn that the aim of my life is God’s, not mine.” Do not be impatient to begin your work,...