All The News|BMA of America
Online Registration Available for BMA National Meeting
Pastors and messengers attending the 2024 BMA National Meeting in Branson, Mo., will have the opportunity this year to register and pay their minute/conference donation online and book hotel reservations from the same site — There is also an online registration form for ministries wanting to secure their spot to display at the National Meeting.
The BMA National Meeting will be held April 16-18 at the Chateau on the Lake Hotel and Convention Center ...
Jerry Kidd Missions Offering 2024
The holidays are over, but for those who serve at BMA Global, the busiest and most important season of the year has begun. The Jerry Kidd Missions Offering is in full swing! Many pastors had requested guest speakers for their church well before Christmas, so our leaders will be on the road speaking in churches, giving updates and helping congregations understand more about our...