All The News|Spinning My Gears
SPINNING MY GEARS: Mitigating Clogged Gears
Everyone experiences mornings where it takes intentionality to get up and going. There’s a need for a little extra motivation. For about three or four days a month, I quote Prov. 6:6-8 to myself. As I sit in the mornings lingering with a cooling cup of coffee, I say, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard…” Even on days when there’s no real struggle to get moving, when I awake alert, and am excited about getting my exercise time in before a shower, I have to remind myself to “consider” the ...
JUST THINKING: The Believer and Emotions
I was just thinking about a man who recently lost his wife. As he spoke, he broke down and began to weep. In a few minutes he gained his composure and apologized saying, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying like this.”
My friends, showing certain emotions is not a sin! It deserves no apology — except when people are insulted, belittled or wounded in their spirits.