All The News|BMA of Arkansas
BMA of Arkansas Meets
The 74th annual BMA of Arkansas meeting was held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 2-3, at Central Baptist College. The theme, chosen by President Michael Battenfield, was “Remembering Our First Love: The Christ of the Gospel” based on Rev. 2:1-7.
The final Enrollment Committee report indicated that there were 111 messengers enrolled, with 100 churches represented at the meeting (57 by messenger and 43 by letter only) and 16 visitors, for a total of 127 registered. Total money ...
From the Front Lines in Lebanon
By Charles Costa, MENA Regional Coordinator • BMA Global
What are Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) missionaries doing in the midst of a war in the Middle East? Good question. The simple answer is — doing what the Lord has commissioned them to do. We do not see political, religious, ethnic or any other lines. We see lost people in need of Jesus. We see a region where Jesus lived,...