All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
HEALTHY CHURCH: Turn Loose of Your Grip
Taking a closer look at the word “still” in the scriptures, you get the word picture of a calmness in God’s presence regardless of life’s circumstances. Psalm 4:4 (HCSB) says, “Be angry and do not sin; on your bed, reflect in your heart and be still. Selah” Psalm 23:2 reminds us that He leads us beside “still” waters. The word still appears several places in the Old Testament, and one Hebrew translation means “to turn loose of your grip.” In God’s presence, we do not have to scurry ...
JUST THINKING: Recognizing Spiritual Counterfeits
I am fully aware that some of my columns focus on warning against false prophets/teachers in these last days. I make no apology for my stance. I feel that in my latter years, God has urged me to be a watchman, a sentinel, to protect vulnerable believers from falling prey to counterfeit doctrines. I was just thinking about how bank tellers, business associates and convenience...