BMAA Department Recommendatioms
BT Staff

BMAA Department Recommendatioms

The 2024 BMA Reports and Recommendations has been made available online and these recommendations are shared here as published in the book found at You can find the recommendations from the Coordinating Council at or in the March 20 issue of the Baptist Trumpet.

BMA Global Missions

1. We recommend the election of the Jarred Etheridge family as missionaries to South Africa.

2. We recommend John David Smith stand as a nominee for President of BMA Global


1. That the proposed 2025 Lifeword budget be approved and accepted. (See pgs. 46-49 of the 2024 Reports & Recommendations book.)

2. That Oct. 20, 2024 be designated as Lifeword Sunday across the BMA of America and that every church be encouraged to pray for the ministry of Lifeword and take a special offering to expand Lifeword’s ministry footprint around the world.

3. That the messenger body offer thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for His provision and blessings on the ministry of Lifeword this past year.

4. That each church belonging to the Baptist Missionary Association of American be encouraged to support the ministry of Lifeword through prayer and by placing Lifeword in their monthly budget.

5. That the messengers attending the 2024 BMA National Meeting give a rising vote of thanks to Sonny Foster for his years of dedicated service to Lifeword and the BMA of America by serving as a member of the Lifeword Board of Directors.

6. That Donny Parrish stand as nominee for the Executive Director of Lifeword.

BMA Theological Seminary

1. Affirmation of the proposed budget. (See pg. 35 of the 2024 Reports & Recommendations book)

2. Pray for the Presidential Search Committee

3. That each church observe Sunday, May 5 or May 19, 2024, as Seminary Scholarship Sunday with:

a. special prayer for our graduates, and

b. receive a special scholarship offering in honor of Dr. Charley Holmes’ 25 years of service to support the training of future BMA ministers and missionaries on that Sunday.

Daniel Springs Baptist Camp

1. Recommend the adoption of the 2024-2025 Daniel Springs Baptist Camp Budget. (See pgs. 25-27 of the 2024 Reports & Recommendations book.)

2. Recommend and encourage all churches of the BMA to participate in the Camp Sunday emphasis on June 2, 2024, by praying for and considering taking a special offering to help Daniel Springs Baptist Camp continue to broaden the opportunities to be a ministry extension of the local church.

3. Recommend that Jason Prewitt stand as the nominee for the position of executive director of the Department of Camp Ministries.

Baptist Publishing House

1. We recommend the adoption of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-2025. (See pg. 23 of the 2024 Reports & Recommendations book.)

2. We recommend that the executive director be paid a salary of $61,152. Benefits include one-half of Social Security, $250 per month for healthcare expense reimbursement, retirement at 6% of salary and travel reimbursement.

3. We recommend that $8,000 of the executive director’s salary be designated as a housing allowance.

4. We recommend that Jordan Tew stand as nominee for executive director.

BMA Financial Services

1. That we adopt the proposed operating budget for Fiscal 2025. (See pg. 18 of the 2024 Reports & Recommendations book.)

2. That our churches approve the proposed amendment to the BMA Statement of Principles of Cooperation to reduce the size of our board from 15 members to 9 to reduce operating expenses.

3. That we express appreciation to the following outgoing board members for their service to our association: David Ashby, Eddie Ballard, Brian Gunnels, Charlie Legg, Pat McCown and Van Widger.

4. That we classify $20,000 of the executive director’s compensation as housing allowance.

5. That Steve Crawley stands as a nominee for executive director.

Moral Action

1. That Dr. John M. Adams stand as a nominee for executive director of Moral Action.

2. That the Moral Action Financial Statement be approved.

3. That our churches and pastors, embrace and support our nation by participation and promotion the National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2024, and join other Americans in praying for our nation. Meetings can be conducted at town halls, city halls, courthouses and state houses.

4. That our BMA churches schedule June 30 and July 7 as the Moral Action “Freedom Offering” Sundays. This is an opportunity to honor or give memorials for soldiers, both present and past. Offerings may also be given to the Adams Scholarship Fund through the BMA Theological Seminary.

5. That our local associations, local and state WMAs and Brotherhoods and local churches be encouraged to give a budgeted monthly gift to Moral Action. These funds strengthen this ministry.

6. That Dr. John M. Adams, executive director, represent the BMA of America in Washington, D.C. by encouraging and contacting our United States senators, congressmen, congresswomen and other Christian moral organizations such as the American Family Assn (AFA), Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Heritage Foundation.

7. That our Baptist Missionary Association of America reaffirm and approve the following Moral Action resolutions.

8. That the BMA churches recognize and honor our grandparents and great grandparents on Grandparents Day, Sept. 8, 2024.

9. That our churches and Christians vote in all elections. Prior to casting votes: pray daily, study God’s Word and focus on standards and morals that God’s Word teaches. Cast your votes accordingly. Once officials are elected, do not consider your job done. Pray, pray, pray daily for these officials. Call their names in prayer and send them notes of encouragement.

Resolution #1 — Reaffirmation of the United States government to support and help protect the Jewish nation of Israel, God’s chosen people

Whereas we believe Jehovah God attested to both the existence and continuing existence of the Jewish people and by the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and

Whereas we pray for peace in the Middle East; and

Whereas we Christians believe that Israel has a divine right to the land given to Abraham;

Therefore, be it further resolved that the messengers and the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, meeting in Branson, Mo., April, 2024, urge the United States government to maintain and recognize Israel and her right to exist as God’s people.

Resolution #2 — Recognize the need to elect godly leaders in America

Whereas elected leaders are always anxious to appear to be strong supporters of God and His churches, and

Whereas some corrupt elected leaders attempt to use religion for their own agenda, and

Whereas the types of elected leaders are guilty of selling faith for power;

Be it therefore resolved, that born again believers in Christ pledge to elect good and godly men and women who share our common biblical values and support morality; and

Be it therefore resolved that we urge these elected leaders to care for the public trust; and

Be it therefore further resolved that the messengers meeting in Branson, Mo., April, 2024, work diligently to elect good and godly men and women to public offices in the United States.

Resolution #3 — Resolution to stand for the longevity of life and against euthanasia and physician assisted suicide

Whereas believers in Christ do not believe in the elective death approach to the end of life by euthanasia and physician assisted suicide; and

Whereas elective death as a health care option is perceived as a source of ruin to the sanctity of human life; and

Whereas the Bible prohibits any decision or procedure which is to be construed as elective death;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the messengers and churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Branson, Mo., April, 2024, resolve to stand for the longevity of life and against the so-called elective death promotion by society.

Resolution #4 — Reaffirmation of God’s plan for marriage: one man and one woman

Whereas the ongoing battle is to dissolve the institution of marriage between one man and one woman; and

Whereas the media, social progressives and liberal churches seek to diminish the importance of true marriage, and

Whereas Christians reaffirm God’s plan for marriage and sexual intimacy as one man and one woman legally married for life; and

Whereas any other relationship that involves sexual intimacy is considered outside the teachings of God’s Word;

Be it therefore, resolved, that we promote Godly marriages and urge churches and messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Branson, Mo., April, 2024, to recognize the importance of the institution of marriage.

BT Staff

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