BMA of Arkansas Meets
Jeff Herring

BMA of Arkansas Meets

     The 75th annual BMA of Arkansas meeting was held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 7-8, at Central Baptist College. The theme, chosen by President Tony Crocker, was “For All the Churches” based on II Cor. 11:28.

     The final Enrollment Committee report indicated there were 95 messengers enrolled, with 82 churches represented at the meeting (47 by messenger and 35 by letter only) and 18 visitors, for a total of 113 registered in attendance (though there were many other visitors for Thursday night’s service). Total money received for the Minute Fund was $2,905.

     Thursday morning included meetings of the WMA and Brotherhood. Beginning at 1 p.m., the Pastors and Laymen’s Conference was held in the Dr. Ronald V. Mitchell Lecture Hall. Those who attended the conference first heard from Kirk Shelton, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Fayetteville, as he shared about “Exhorting All the Churches.” Then, BMA of Arkansas Youth Department Director Dan Carson led a panel discussion — “Informing All the Churches” — with BMA collegiate ministry directors Ryan Anderson (Conway), Stuart Estes (Fayetteville), and Jimmy Brock (Magnolia). Harold Smith led the final session as he shared about the importance of “Strengthening All the Churches.”

     The Missionary Committee meeting immediately followed the conclusion of the Pastors and Laymen’s Conference. Missionary Committee Chairman David Inzer opened the meeting and invited Gary Gipson to lead in a song, followed by a devotional from Daniel Williams, pastor of First Baptist Church in Damascus. New missionary committeemen were recognized — Jim Sweeney, pastor of Greers Ferry Baptist Church in Greers Ferry, and Jake Norman, pastor of First Baptist Church in Caldwell. Chairman Inzer then recognized Executive Director Paul White to give his report.

     Director White shared some highlights from his printed report and also about working toward a team approach to planting churches in the future. Some discussion took place over the selection of a search committee to seek a new director should the need arise between sessions. An amended recommendation was approved that a called meeting of the missionary committee would be appropriate to allow for the selection of a search committee at that time.

     The meeting concluded with the election of officers for 2024-2025: David Inzer, chairman; Tony Crocker, assistant chairman; Randy Shepherd, clerk; and Wes Hulvey, assistant clerk.

     The Thursday evening session was opened by the CBC band under the direction of Donna Bradley. After a welcome by CBC Executive Vice President Dr. Jeremey Langley, the CBC Women’s Chorus, CBC Choir and CBC Band continued leading in worship. Lifeword Executive Director Donny Parrish, a long-time friend, introduced CBC President Terry Kimbrow to bring the annual message. President Kimbrow shared a message entitled “The Destructive Power of Our Words” from Prov. 18:21 and James 3:1-10.

     Next, the business session was called to order and messengers were seated, along with messengers from two petitionary churches — First Baptist Church in Roland, Okla. (Pastor Gary Fitzpatrick) and Bloomer Baptist Church in Charleston, Ark. (Pastor Michael Sanchez).

     Messengers elected the following officers for 2024-2025: President Tony Crocker, First Vice President Mike Book, Second Vice President Derrick Bremer, Clerk Wes Hulvey and Clerk Randy Shepherd. A listing of various committees and committee members, along with a collage of photos from the meeting, can be found on page 12 of today’s Trumpet.

     The reports from the four departmental directors — Terry Kimbrow, Paul White, Dan Carson and Jeff Herring — appear on pages 4-5 of this issue of the Trumpet. Those reports were available in the Combined Reports booklet at the meeting. All sessions were livestreamed. Videos, along with the Combined Reports booklet, are available at

Constitutional Changes

     Springhill Baptist Church in Greenbrier and Pastor Ed Stephenson presented a proposed amendment to the BMA of Arkansas Doctrinal Statement. The change would bring the BMA of Arkansas Doctrinal Statement in full agreement with the BMA of America Doctrinal Statement by adding (and renumbering accordingly):

      VII. Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom — God’s sovereignty and man’s freedom are two inseparable factors in the salvation experience (Eph. 2:4-6). The two Bible truths are in no way contradictory, but they are amazingly complementary in the great salvation so freely provided. God, in His sovereignty, purposed, planned, and executed salvation in eternity while man’s freedom enables him to make a personal choice in time, either to receive this salvation and be saved or to reject it and be damned (Eph. 1:9-12; 1:13, 14; John 1:12, 13).

Department Reports

      Baptist Trumpet Executive Director Jeff Herring introduced the theme for the coming year — “Your Connection to the Mission. Informed. Inspired. Involved.” (See the full report from the Baptist Trumpet on page 4 of this issue.)

      Central Baptist College — President Terry Kimbrow shared his final report to the BMA of Arkansas after announcing his intent to retire in May 2025. (See the full report from CBC on page 4 of this issue.)

      Youth Department — Director Dan Carson emphasized the importance of coming alongside those who work with students. The goal is to invest in those who invest in students — from the full-time student pastor to the volunteer Sunday School teacher with one student. (See the full report from the Youth Department on page 4 of this issue.)

      State Missions — Executive Director of Missions Paul White shared his 14th report to the body and allowed all current missionaries to share a brief report. (See the full report from the Missions Department on page 4 of this issue.)

BMAA Department & Guest Reports

      • BMA Global Middle East/North Africa Regional Coordinator — Missionary Charlie Costa shared a video about his team’s ministry in the Middle East during the current conflict in the region. The current conflict has provided more opportunities for Bro. Costa’s team to share the gospel, including with some refugees who could not be reached where they lived, but due to the conflict, they left their homes and have come to an area where they can hear the truth of the gospel.

     • BMA Financial — Executive Director of BMA Financial Dr. Steve Crawley shared about the new bookkeeping service for churches offered via a new partnership with Sparrow Team Financials. To learn more about the services available through this partnership, contact Sparrow Team Financials at (501) 291-0276 or visit You can also visit BMA Financial’s website, The goal is to offer services that help members of BMA organizations manage God’s money, God’s way, for God’s glory.

      • BMA Theological Seminary — President Dr. Philip Attebery reminisced about his ministry and life connection to the BMA of Arkansas. He expressed his gratefulness to the ministries of the BMA of Arkansas that impacted his life. He asked for continued prayers for the ministry of the seminary and to be diligent in sending students to the seminary. He also shared about a free BMA Missionary Biography class to be offered in the Spring semester.

      • Daniel Springs Baptist Camp — Executive Director Jason Prewitt shared that in 2024, camp ministries hosted eight camps attended by over 1,400 campers. He rejoiced over 140 professions of faith during the nine weeks of summer camps.

      • Baptist Publishing House (BPH) — Executive Director Jordan Tew shared about the new winter quarter focusing on the Psalms of Asaph that is now available. The children’s curriculum is nearing completion, and BPH is currently researching the development of a youth curriculum. You can find ordering information and free resources at

      • Lifeword — Executive Director Donny Parrish shared that Lifeword is currently sharing the gospel in 165 languages of the world, with a goal of reaching 200 very soon. is among the top 10% of traffic-generating websites in the world. In the last 12 months, 28 million new visitors have visited

      • BMA Global Missions — BMA Global President Dr. John David Smith shared about the work of BMA Missions around the world, including the two primary tasks for mission endeavors through BMA Global — leadership development and planting churches. BMA Global is currently working in 70 countries worldwide. Dr. Smith shared that some special things are planned for the 75th Anniversary of BMA Global Missions, including a special one-time issue of the Gleaner featuring the way God has blessed in the past and a look at the future of BMA Global Missions.

      • BMAA Chaplaincy Report — Wes Hulvey presented a report on behalf of BMAA Chaplaincy Director Dr. Scott Carson. He mentioned that the BMA currently has 18 endorsed chaplains — 11 in various military roles, 2 ministering in hospice care, 2 serving in prisons, 1 ministering in a police department, 1 serving in a fire department, and 1 serving in a corporate setting. There is a significant need for chaplains in the military. The age limit for serving as a chaplain in the Navy was recently raised from 42 to 59 to accommodate the need. Approval has been granted to place chaplains in the federal prison system. If you are interested in the chaplaincy ministry, contact Dr. Scott Carson at

Other Reports

      • Brotherhood — Outgoing Secretary/Treasurer Bill Thornton shared a report on behalf of outgoing President Robbie Staton, who could not attend. New officers elected are President Ben Staton, Vice President James Laminack, Secretary/Treasurer Michael Battenfield, and Galilean Promoter Dan Williams. The Annual speaker for next year is Dr. Russell Threet, with Michael Sanchez as the alternate. He encouraged all men to attend next year’s meeting at 10 a.m. on Nov. 6, 2025.

      • WMA Report — Outgoing President Kelly Williams shared they had raised $16,900 for this year’s project (Bibles for Zambia), providing 1,690 Bibles. The Arkansas WMA project for 2025 is the Morgan Grace Baptist Church in Morgan, Utah. The theme for the coming year is “Cultivate.” She urged all ladies to participate in local, state and national WMA.

      • Master’s Builders — Hershel Conley shared a report from Eddie Sikes, his 44th report to the body, as a state missionary for 31 years and as the representative of the Master’s Builders for 14 years. There is a great need for new members to keep this ministry going strong. The average age of the Master’s Builders is 77 years old. Please pray for this ministry, as they have projects scheduled for 2025.

      • Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Report — Paul White shared the report from the RLF. He noted that the total funds available are $1,714,756.55, with outstanding loans totaling $1,125,221.44, making the total funds $ $2,299,974.99.

     The 76th annual meeting of the BMA of Arkansas will be held Nov. 6-7, 2025, at Central Baptist College. BMA of Arkansas Missions Executive Director Paul White was elected to deliver the annual message, with Rodney Castleberry (pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in White Hall) as the alternate.

Jeff Herring

Jeff HerringJeff Herring

Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian

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