Jeff Herring


As I am writing this, we have just wrapped up night three (Monday night) of our spring break retreat for Antioch Middle School and High School Student ministries. I was privileged to be able to come and be a sponsor for this event. I was able to continue to connect with my high school guys from my weekly small group and Sunday School class while also making some new friends. Kristin (my wife) was also able to take a break from her school studies (she is working on her second master’s degree!) and come as a sponsor as well.

God has been moving all weekend, but tonight in the service there were at least seven young people that made the decision to commit their life to Christ! To say the service was exciting would be an understatement. What makes it so amazing is that, since last August, some of the individuals that made a decision were being prayed for specifically by name, and God answer those prayers! God is good!

Working While Away

If you read the beginning section, you may realize that I am away from the office, but we still have a paper that goes out this week. This does make things a little different, but I am so thankful to have Allan back at the office to help tag team things as I work on the limited Wi-fi connection here at camp. Lord willing, the paper will go out, as usual, tomorrow even though I have been at camp since Saturday.

Thank You from the Philippines

Last fall, I shared with you the needs of some of our missionaries in the Philippines and asked if anyone would like to contribute. Between the individuals and churches that donated over $1,000, we were able to ship two boxes of needed supplies and ministry materials to Danny and Rita Ballard. The boxes arrived in the Philippines on Feb. 20, and Bro. Danny said it was like Christmas when they opened the boxes and saw all the items. They wanted to let everyone know how much they appreciate the donations that made it possible.

New Desk

Good friends are a true blessing from the Lord. Shortly after I became executive editor, Allan and I (with help from Executive Director of Missions Paul White) worked to move offices around and remodel the editor’s office. I chose to retain the desk that has been in the office for as long as anyone can remember, but everything else was removed.

I had an idea of what I would like, but I wasn’t really sure where to find what I had in mind. That is where my good friend Danny Paul, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Conway, comes into the picture. I knew Danny had a hobby of woodworking and building things, but I wasn’t sure if he would have time to figure out how to build something he had not done before. I shared my rough design with him, and he took it and did an amazing job of making my desk and shelves a reality. Even after all of it was finished, he insisted that I only cover the cost of materials and not pay him for his labor.

I am so thankful for Danny, his friendship and his amazing skill that he used to be a blessing the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet.

Jeff Herring

Jeff HerringJeff Herring

Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian

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