JOURNEY WITH JEFF: Prayers Appreciated
Prayers Appreciated
Many of you may have seen my posts on social media about my mom over the last few weeks. Almost a month ago, mom had a full hip replacement. (Her second in less than four years.) After spending about 12 days at in-patient rehab, she came home on Friday, May 13 with a plan to continue with at-home rehabilitation. After the initial evaluation on Monday, May 16, she was scheduled to have her first session with the physical therapist on Thursday, May 19.
When the physical therapist arrived and did his pre-session evaluation, he thought she needed to go to the emergency room due to a possible heart episode. It “just so happened” that Kristin and I were both almost at the house when he called to tell us, so we were able to begin making the arrangements to head to the hospital. After a phone call to her heart doctor’s office, we headed to the Arkansas Heart Hospital emergency room, where they determined she had pneumonia and began treating her with IV antibiotics.
While they began to deal with the infection, they then began to look at her continuing elevated heart rate (AFIB). Over the next few days, they attempted to reduce her heart rate with medication and eventually the use of TEE cardioversion. The procedure was initially successful, and her heart returned to a normal rhythm, but it soon reverted to AFIB. As I write this note, they are giving her a different medicine and her heart rate is on a downward trend.
Please join me in continuing to pray for a return to normal rhythm so she can then go home and return to her physical therapy for her hip replacement. I am so thankful for the many friends that have reached out by text message, phone calls and messages on social media, letting us know you are praying. It is humbling to know that so many are lifting up your loved one before the throne of God.
Special Emphasis Update
I want to share an update on our Special Emphasis for 2022. While our official time of Special Emphasis is in the months of March and April, we will continue to count all special offerings toward our goal through the end of the fiscal year (Aug. 31). At this time, we have only raised 44% of our goal ($19,904.03), but we completely trust that God will provide what we need for this ministry when we need it. Would you pray with us that He will not only give us wisdom as we make important decisions regarding the future of the Baptist Trumpet, but that He will also provide for all financial needs according to His will? For an update on where we are on raising funds, please visit
Thanks to these that have given since our last report.
2022 Special Emphasis • Goal — $45,000
Previous Balance (April 27) $12,471.03
Mary Fleming $500.00
First Baptist WMA Circle One, Magnolia $325.00
Eastside, Lonoke $150.00
Landmark, England $450.00
Michael Gray $1,110.00
New Caney, Gurdon $200.00
New Home, Quitman* $84.00
Lakeside, Newport $200.00
Macedonia, Magnolia $500.00
Pleasant Valley, Greenbrier $565.00
Sand Springs, Damascus $206.00
Broadway Ave, Bay $500.00
Church at Willow Beach, North Little Rock $606.00
Larry & Mary Williams $100.00
Patricia Simmons $400.00
Summers, Summers $225.00
Haynes, Haynes $100.00
Dewey Kelley $25.00
Cross Roads, Warren $777.00
Celebration, Haskell $300.00
Charity Heights, Hot Springs $110.00
Total $19,904.03
*Have given previously
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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