JOURNEY WITH JEFF: Wrapping Things Up
Wrapping Things Up
As we are now less than a week away from Christmas Day, it is a time when we generally look forward to spending time with family and celebrating the greatest gift ever given — Jesus!
For many of us, this time of year also brings memories of those that are no longer here to celebrate with us. I still find it hard to believe that five years ago was the last time we were able to celebrate with dad and my Grandma Stacy. So much life has been lived in those five years that they were not a part of, but at the same time, they still were. I have no doubt that I would not be the person I am today without the influence of my dad and my grandma in my life over the years. (The same could be said for so many others they touched as well.) So in that way, they are still a part of all of the things that have taken place since they left their earthly dwelling to spend eternity with the Lord.
Do I still wish I could call Dad and talk about things or just go and grab lunch at Arby’s? Do I wish I could go to Grandma Stacy’s and help her cook for the big day and enjoy the time with her at an early breakfast? Of course! Those are the memories we cherish as we look back, but I also get excited about the reunion we will one day experience in eternity as we celebrate our Savior face-to-face together!
As you begin to wrap up things for this year, will you make time to be intentional about spending time with your loved ones? We are not promised tomorrow, and I have many friends who, like me, never realized the last Christmas with those we love was the last one on this side of eternity.
Thanks For Understanding
This is the last issue until Jan. 11, due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. We are using that time to begin the transition to our new subscription management system. For the most part, you won’t notice anything different — the mailed paper and E-Trumpet will continue as normal.
By Jan. 1, we hope to have the new system up and running, alongside our current system so we can double-check and work out any issues that are found before going “live” with the new system. When we do go “live,” the biggest difference will be a new website that will look very similar to what we have now but will provide access to the new customer portal that should be more functional than our current system.
We appreciate your patience during this time of transition. Our goal in all of this is to provide all of you with a better experience as an individual subscriber or as a church plan manager.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Thank you for your faithful support of this ministry. On behalf of my family and Allan’s family, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We pray that God will bless you as you faithfully serve Him!
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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