Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood Meets
By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met on Monday, June 3, at Grace Baptist Church in Wynne for our quarterly meeting. The host church fed us a delicious homestyle meal of fried chicken with all the fixings and desserts. After the meal, we had congregational singing and special music. We had 30 present, with 7 churches represented. We collected an offering of $377 for Mt. Vernon BMA Missions.
David McDougald then introduced Lance Madden, pastor of Fourth Street in West Helena, as the speaker for the evening. He preached from Luke 5:17-26 about the four friends who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus for healing. The sermon was titled “Joining Hands to Save Lives.” The sermon called us to avoid getting complacent about our faith, to work together and not against one another, to show compassion for others and to do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus.
We also elected officers for the next year. Chesser Crisp, who has been president of the Mt. Vernon BMA Brotherhood for many years, expressed his need to step down from his position. Kevin Brown was elected to serve as the president, secretary and treasurer, and Lance Madden was elected to serve as the reporter.
Kevin Brown expressed his sincere gratitude to Chesser Crisp for his many years of faithful service. I encourage all our churches in the Mt. Vernon Association to express their gratitude to Bro. Chesser for all he has done for the Mt. Vernon Association by collecting a special offering for Mt. Vernon BMA Missions in Bro. Chesser’s honor. Our local association of churches sends support to five missionaries on a monthly basis, and we donate to a CBC scholarship monthly. The missionaries we support do an outstanding job of reaching people for Christ, and CBC provides a quality, Christian education for hundreds of students. Your financial gift to Mt. Vernon BMA Missions will make a difference in the kingdom of God, and in the process, you will be honoring a worthy servant of the Lord!
The next meeting of the Mt. Vernon BMA Brotherhood will be Monday, Sept. 9, at Harmony Baptist Church in West Helena at 6:30 p.m. Our offering goal will be Mt. Vernon BMA Missions. We encourage all men and boys in the Mt. Vernon BMA to join us as we enjoy food, fellowship and worship the Lord together. Come and be blessed!
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