United WMA Meets
Becky Tollison, Reporter
The United District WMA met on July 13 at Hattieville, Hattieville, with 26 in attendance and 7 churches represented. Bryson Haden, pastor of Hattieville, brought the message.
There was no old or new business. Sherry Laminack gave a Sunbeam report.
Special music was by Debbie Pearce (Each One Reach One), and our program, “Making Everlasting Smiles,” was presented by Lisa Rust. She showed us slides as she participated in BMMI Shoebox Ministry, delivering the shoeboxes to children in Poland. (Just seeing their faces as they received these boxes should move us to send more boxes or more money, but especially more prayers.) She told us the washcloths and toothbrushes were big hits! Poland was sending food to Ukraine through our missionaries. Some missionaries meet with the soldiers on the front line of the war every day. Continue to pray for Ukraine as our missionaries try to minister to them.
Our next meeting will be with Mt. Pleasant, Plumerville, in October.
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