Mount Vernon Brotherhood Meets
By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, Sept. 11, at Harmony Baptist Church in West Helena for our quarterly meeting. We had 38 present, with 7 churches represented. We collected an offering of $300 for Eddie and Joy Kelso. Please continue to keep the Kelsos and Know the Truth Prison Ministries in your prayers.
The host church fed us a delicious meal, Bernard Evans and Chesser Crisp led us in congregational hymns and Terry Garrison blessed us with two specials.
Fred Garrison then introduced his brother-in-law, Dr. Barry Baker, as our speaker for the evening. He brought an encouraging message from Nahum 1:7 on the comfort of God and His Word.
The next meeting of the Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood will be Monday, Dec. 4 at Central Baptist Church in Hughes at 6:30 p.m. Our offering goal will be Mt. Vernon BMA Missions.
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