SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Doug & Diane Lee • Philippines
• Workers in Cambodia — It is truly amazing to see God working in our lives. We wake up in the mornings and find we have much to do. God has a way of moving us out of our comfort zones and putting us in places we never thought possible.
Asia Pacific Coordinator Dr. Stan Scroggins scheduled a fact-finding trip to Cambodia, with the help of Pastor John Page, past missionary to Cambodia. This trip was designed to check possibilities for our graduating students from the Baptist Missionary Association Bible College (BMABC) to work as tentmakers in a foreign mission field.
Traveling with us were three alumni of the BMABC. Our goal is to send pastors and teachers to Cambodia as tent-making church planters. There is a shortage of English teachers all over Asia. What an opportunity for BMABC to supply the needs of Asian countries and still spread the gospel to these nations. This will be achieved by working through the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) company, Ideal Visa since the government does not allow us to be a sending agent. A memorandum of agreement (MOA) is in the works with this agency. Through relationship-building and hosting Bible studies, these young men will be future church-planters in these areas. Pray for us as we continue to work through the legal process to achieve our goals.
• Awards Day at BMABC — Awards Day is a big day at the Bible College! On May 17, we held our annual Awards Day with a banquet for all our students and special recognition for students who excelled in their studies this past year. Thirty-nine students finished the school year with honors and 23 with high honors. We are thankful for our students who are dedicated to the task of learning and are also incredible workers in their assigned ministries.
• News Flash — The latest numbers from Pastor Ricky Gicana, our intern director for BMABC, show over 700 souls came to know Jesus through the weekend work and internship of the BMABC students this past school year. To God be the glory! We give Him praise and thanksgiving!
• A Mission Trip to Kenya — It is remarkable how God works in our lives and continually opens doors for us to work in His kingdom in other faraway places. We traveled to Kenya at the invitation of Pastor Benard Carry, the administrator of the Freedom Bible Institute in Kenya. He invited Doug to speak for their graduation ceremony. There were 21 graduates. Their desire is to set up online classes for their students to have access to the theology classes at BMABC. The monthly cost of internet service in Kenya is approximately $50 a month. Cost of installation at the Bible Institute in Kenya is $250. If anyone feels led to assist us financially in this project, please let us know.
• Darlene Carey Christian Academy — The Darlene Carey Christian Academy held its graduation and recognition day on May 31. There were kindergarten and sixth grade graduates with a total enrollment of 81 students from kindergarten to sixth grade. We are looking forward to a new school year and possibly adding seventh and eighth grade with a much larger enrollment.
• Music in the Air — Our music students prepared diligently for the end-of-the-year music recital. At any given time, we could hear beautiful music coming from the practice rooms. All our music students did an outstanding job, and we had two — Erica De La Torre and John Paul Oberiano — graduate with their Bachelor in Church Music degrees.
New School Year Begins Aug. 1 — We are excited about this upcoming school year. According to pre-registration, the dorms are going to be overflowing. We have 17 new first year students registered and are expecting around 25. With the existing students, we anticipate a total enrollment of over 80 students.
We are in desperate need of 16 more scholarships for our new first-year students. The cost is $100 a month, which covers their tuition, room and board, food and other necessary expenses. We will send you a photo and bio for the student you sponsor, and you will periodically receive updates on your student. Please consider making a difference in a student’s life and help them. These students are future missionaries, pastors, teachers, church workers that desire to be trained in the Word. You can contact us through email or Facebook messenger. This can be paid through the BMA Global Missions, P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033 or through our home church, Mill Creek Baptist Church, 11 Old Kiln Road, Picayune, Miss. 39466. You can pay monthly or yearly amount of $1,200. Please specify Doug and Diane Lee Scholarship Fund. (
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