SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Stan & Donna Scroggins • Asia Pacific
BT Staff
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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Stan & Donna Scroggins • Asia Pacific

      This update will focus on news from our BMA Global missionaries in Asia Pacific as well as reporting on our recent Volunteer Student Missions (VSM) trip to Talisay, Philippines, and one very important opportunity to have a “dream come true” in the country of Cambodia.

      While geographically expanding into multiple world regions, BMA Global Missions Asia Pacific Region includes 21 countries. With a BMA presence in 9 of these 21 countries, it is easy to see the need for more missionaries to reach what is considered the most unreached people group in the world. Need to know more? Let BMA Global help you fulfill God’s calling in your life to “make His name known among the nations.”

         • Jeremy and Mandy Hambrice, B.J. and Jill Sanders & Jack and Lael Crabtree (Jack & Lael are not BMA Global missionaries but are part of the Watikian Team) work in the isolated remote mountains of Papua New Guinea. The teams only means of support is quarterly helicopter supply drops. Due to extreme fuel shortages in Papua New Guinea the team needed to come out of the tribe for security purposes. But now it seems things have stabilized and are back to normal. While the Hambrices are back in the tribe, the Sanders are now on their stateside assignment.

         • Doug and Diane Lee serve with the BMA Bible College in Talisay, Philippines on the Island of Negros. After a successful trip to Kenya, where over 80 churches desire to partner with the BMA, Doug and Diane are now in the United States raising funds for the Bible College.

         • Danny and Rita Ballard are serving on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. BMA Global recently approved a church planting grant to urban church plant in Manila, a city of 22,000,000 people and in desperate need of a gospel witness. Remember Danny and Rita and all their support staff as they work to “make His name known” in the Philippines.

         • Cris and Alicia Samson have relocated to the United States. They will focus on the citizenship process for Cris and Alicia will focus on completing the U.S. requirements for her medical license certification.

      We have other American missionaries stationed around Asia Pacific who are designated as Creative Access missionaries. Creative Access is the term BMA Global uses to designate missionaries who are serving where security might be compromised. For their protection, their names and locations are not revealed.

      It was my distinct pleasure to travel with 14 others to the Philippines with the VSM Philippines Team 2024. I left the United States June 1 and didn’t return until June 21.

         Jimmy Walker has been my VSM traveling companion on mission trips (we’ve lost count how many) all around the world: Lebanon, Ukraine, Russia, Philippines, and most of these places more than once. What started out to be a mentorship on my part, turned into co-leadership and finally me as his “second in command.” We also served together as BMA Global missionaries in the Philippines. Jimmy Walker is faithful to our Lord, his family and his church and is a man who can be counted on during rough seas, take and give a lighthearted joke and is never afraid to get down and dirty serving those God desires to reach. Thanks, Jimmy! Let’s do it all over again.

      After 12 days in the Philippines, 4 Filipinos and I headed to Cambodia to join up with 3 other interested Americans to begin a missionary vision tour seeking God’s desire for a place to take the gospel to those who’ve never heard it.

      With the help of former BMA Global Missionary to Cambodia John Page, Current Missionary to the Philippines Doug Lee and Director of BMA Global Operations John Meriweather, we all gathered together in Phnom Penh, the capitol of Cambodia, with the Filipino visionaries Juren Mamon, David Perez and Arnold Huelar, along with former president of the BMA of the Philippines and ChangeMaker missionary to Hong Kong John Rey Vallejera. We had a meeting with the administration of the Banlung school. It is our hope that our missionaries would secure jobs teaching in the school to support themselves as missionaries.

      We all agreed the Vision Tour was a success. Then we all departed back to the Philippines, Texas, Mississippi and John Meriweather headed to Nepal to meet with missionaries there. He is also the area coordinator for Asia (not to be confused with Asia Pacific).

      For the next year, I’ll be doing my work as BMA Global Asia Pacific Coordinator from our house in Bullard, Texas. In May of 2025 Larry Barker, Dewayne Orr and I will be traveling to take part in graduation ceremonies at the BMA Bible College of the Philippines, as well as the invited speakers at the BMA of the Philippines Bible Conference and annual association meeting.

      I am also looking forward to teaching Old Testament Survey at Jacksonville College in Jacksonville, Texas beginning in August 2024. Jacksonville College, a BMA of Texas institution, is the oldest junior college in Texas.

      Please pray for the BMA Global churches and ministries of Asia Pacific. Right now, we have American missionaries in two Creative Access countries, Papua New Guinea and, of course, the Philippines. I will be working to find new places for ministry in countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand and other Asia Pacific locations. We are searching for those God is calling to take the gospel to the most unreached people group in the world. Interested? Contact me and let me help you fulfill God’s plan in your life. Our work is completely focused on sending the gospel to Southeast Asian countries. We love you all. (

BT Staff

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