SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Siripong & Jessie Yaebeang • Thailand
We noticed that there was a guy selling idols/Buddha images on the stand of the road in front of our neighborhood. The moment I got there, he tried to show me what he had. The most expensive one he had cost several thousands of dollars for one piece. I gently but firmly told him that I am Christian, that I worship God, not idols, and I just wanted to talk to him. He was very friendly, and we got to speak for several minutes. I left him two gospel tracts (with our contact information) and encouraged him to read them, which he said he would. Please pray for this man (and many more who give their lives to idols). A small conversation and encounter like this remind us of the great need for the gospel here.
It’s been a while since we shot some videos answering some questions that people have asked, so recently we took the time to record some. I addressed several important question.
In our last update, we asked you to pray for a lady named Anne, that has been coming to our church. She’s still coming every Sunday! She has also been reading the Bible and other gospel-centered materials we gave her. I started meeting with her during the week (along with another member from our church) to talk about the gospel. We plan to do this for about a month or so. Please pray that the Lord will open her heart.
This past month, two church members took the next step in their service by leading the adult Sunday School! This may be a small thing for churches already established and full of gifted men/women, but this is big for a new church plant like ours! As I was helping them get ready, they seemed to be most concerned about the end, where members could ask questions about the lesson. I encouraged them that they would be able to answer if they studied/prepared the lesson, and I will also be in the room to help them. Both did well, and I’m thankful they are willing to serve in this way, in addition to the other areas where they already serve.
I recently started on my next writing project, which I’ve wanted to do for some time — the parables of Jesus. I will cover two main things — the fundamental understanding of the parable and the studying of several parables. Lord willing, I hope to finish most of it, if not all, by the end of this year. It’s a bigger project, but I’m excited to study and learn from Christ’s parables. Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and strength.
We took a road trip during the week to meet up with my family up north. Though it was brief, we were glad to see everyone in my family (except one of my older sisters). It was especially nice to see and spend some time with my dad. But after we got back to Bangkok, his condition got worse, and he lost a lot of blood and was taken to the hospital. While he was waiting to go to the hospital, he called me with the realization that his time could be near. We are thankful for each day the Lord is extending for him. I appreciate your prayers for him.
We were thrilled to welcome four Burmese students at our church recently. They study at a university not far from our church. For three of them, it was their first time ever at a church. Interestingly, two of them know some Thai since their hometown is close to the Thai border. I got to visit with them before and after church. We also invited them to our house for supper one evening to get to know them and see how we can best serve them. They told us they have been living here for almost a year and this was the first home they had been invited to in Thailand. It’s our honor. Please pray for them while they are here and for their home country, Burma. Several parts of this nation have been going through some really tough times recently.
Since I usually preach through books in the Bible (i.e., I’m now preaching through Ephesians), I rarely get to preach a topical message. But this past month, I had one particular Sunday that was appropriate to pause from studying Ephesians. So, I preached one precious attribute of God — His love. In this message, I invited our people to behold 12 biblical characteristics of God’s love (i.e., it’s a Trinitarian love, an eternal love, the highest love, an electing/sovereign love, the holy love, a sacrificial love, a jealous love and 5 more!). It was a tremendous blessing for me to meditate and teach on these attributes.
I encourage you to study and meditate on the attributes of God (or preach/teach at your church, if applicable). There are several helpful resources out there on the attributes of God — Show Me Your Glory by Steve Lawson, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, The Attributes of God by A.W. Pink, The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, The Sovereignty of God by Jeffrey Johnson and Knowing the Living God by Paul Washer.
A few days after I finished my ninth-grade year, I hopped on my small motorcycle called a “Honda Wave” and left my small village to pursue an unknown journey/future in Bangkok. That was March 2004, and this month marks 20 years! From March 2004 to March 2024, a lot has happened, with countless stories and memories (both good and bad). Looking back, one thing I see more clearly than anything else is the grace of God. I’m thankful for Him and people God placed along the way to display His grace, which included many of you. May His grace be with you as well. Twenty years later (and counting), God is still working — and so is that motorcycle!
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We love hearing from you, and it’s always a great encouragement. So please feel free to write me and/or Jessie at Grace and peace to you and your family!
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