STATE MISSIONS: Keep On Keeping On
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Keep On Keeping On

      This past week, the annual meeting of the BMA of Arkansas convened at Central Baptist College in Conway. As always, the staff and students of CBC went out of their way to make us feel comfortable. A special thanks goes out to Duffy Guyton. We were blessed by the orchestra and choir from the college, who did a wonderful job as always.

Our college is something the BMA of Arkansas churches should be very proud to be a part of. The officers are to be commended for this year’s program. It was great to see my fellow brothers and sisters, and yet, at the same time, it is sad that more people do not make it a priority to attend.

Missionary Committee Meeting

      I was happy to see the good crowd at this year’s meeting. I believe attendance in our meeting has increased over the past few years. Just a little more, and we will pack out the room. I shared with the Missionary Committee some ideas concerning future planting. They graciously recommended that I serve as director for another year.


      Having served as an officer for 6 years, a missionary for 4 years and as director for 15 years, I have been honored to serve our association for the last 25 years. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, you elected me to bring the annual message in 2025. Having been elected alternate, Rodney Castleberry told me before leaving that I was near the top of his prayer list.

Wise Guys

      I mention this because when your missionaries and I gather for a meal, one of them will point at me and tell our server just to give the bill to Dad. On a serious note, I am blessed to have the privilege to work with those who serve as our state missionaries. They did a wonderful job Friday morning when giving their reports. Please remember them in your prayers and invite them to your church to share.


      A special thanks goes out to Donna Webb for faithfully manning our display and to Wes Hulvey and Jeff Herring for their expertise in helping get my computer up and running.

From Our Missionaries

         Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “What a great week at Faith Chapel. Our number was down a little, but we had a great time of worship and fellowship in the Lord. We increased our membership with two joining by letter as we welcomed  Paul and Connie Hastad to our mission. Praise God for sending laborers to the harvest. We look forward to serving with them.

      “It was so good to be able to attend the state meeting and see so many friends. The only bad part was that I had to leave early to get home for Mom’s surgery. Her surgery on Monday was successful in that it got all the cancer, and no chemo or radiation will be necessary. But complications happened later in the week, and she had to undergo emergency surgery again on Friday. The surgeon performed an ileostomy, and she is recovering in the hospital. Mom will celebrate her 90th birthday on Dec. 17. Thank you all for praying for her. Please continue.

      “We are still waiting for materials for our countertops and vanities, but we are assured that they will be here soon. Therefore, we have scheduled our first service in the new building for Sunday, Dec. 8. Praise God! Join us as we dedicate the new building to the Lord that day! I am sure it will be a day full of joy and emotion. We are excited to finally be in there! Thank you for all the prayers and support that has enabled us to do this. We can’t thank you enough, and we hope and pray to be able to do the same for other missions as we grow and go forward in the Lord’s work.”

         Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “We had a great time this week at the mission! We were able to spend time at the annual BMA of Arkansas meeting in Conway. It is always a pleasure getting to see familiar faces and meet new folks. We would like to say how much we appreciate what the BMA does for their missionaries daily.

The BMA helps to keep us running smoothly and encourages us along the way while we work. Having such a strong support system and spiritual guidance is invaluable in mission work and because of the support of the BMA, we are able to do what we need to do as church planters.

      “Please be in prayer for one of the facilities in which we minister, as they have an outbreak of sickness that makes it impossible to visit with them at this time. They depend on us to bring them weekly Bible study and worship times. Hopefully we can return soon, but until then lift them up to the Lord in your prayers.”

         Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We are approaching our second anniversary and, as a church, we are already preparing for our great celebration. Patty and the women of the church began the organization of this event and for our Christmas service where we will have a choir and the participation of the ministry generation of grace that are the children of our church.

      “This week I was able to travel to Conway and attend the Hispanic conference for pastors given by Larry Barker. It was exceptional what we were able to learn and that we took with us to practice in our ministries. It was very pleasant to greet so many dear brothers and sisters and all the missionaries of the state, the members of the Advisory Committee, Bro. Paul and Donna.

      “On Saturday the women had their monthly meeting. They are studying the attributes of God and the theme was Jehovah Jireh. In our Sunday service, we had a very special time of collective worship. It was beautiful to see children and adults expressing their love and thanks to their Lord. We ended by praying for the persecuted church in the world and paying homage to the veterans, praying for them and giving thanks for their service.”

         Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “Even in one of our slowest weeks in a long time, there was progress. Most of our groups didn’t meet this week due to sickness or leaders traveling. What encouraged me this week was seeing the leadership of the Holy Spirit, our leaders maturing and people caring for one another.

I was one of those traveling, as I went to be with my grandmother in the hospital and the state meeting (and snuck in some hunting). But, I spent most of the time away texting with coaches and members. Monday our Middle School had a lockdown situation, and that night bad weather came through. It was awesome to see how everyone stepped up to check on one another. Then, due to the growth of one of our Connection Groups, the hosting coach reached out and shared possible plans to work with the growth they have experience. I had wanted to talk about that with him a week ago, but I felt led by the Holy Spirit to wait. Then the Lord put those same ideas on his mind while I waited!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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