STUDENT MINISTRY: Not Just For the Lead Pastor
Did you know every church is allowed three voting messengers at our associational meetings? That may seem like an obvious thing everyone understands, but you wouldn’t know it by the attendance of our state association meeting. There was a time when our meetings were packed out. I don’t share this to call anyone out or shame anyone for not attending. I didn’t place enough importance on our association meetings for many years. I thought of them as the place where lead pastors would go and meet. A few years down the road, I see the great value they hold. Where else can you find out what is happening in our association and meet others who are concerned about advancing the gospel?
What can we do to help increase attendance at our next associational meeting? Like many other things, change occurs when leaders recognize what is needed and take action. Therefore, I challenge both you and myself to take steps to strengthen our meetings.
• Pastors, please invite your church members. While we may have grown complacent about our meetings, many church members have never attended one. I remember attending my first national meeting with the Lifeword Singers when I was in college. Meeting pastors and learning about our various state and national departments was eye-opening. Understanding that we are part of a group of like-minded churches is powerful. We are not alone. Others stand with us. Church members can return from a meeting with a broader vision of how God can work in their church. Many might say, “My people can’t take time off or don’t want to come.” Perhaps. However, that shouldn’t stop us from asking. Consider who you could invite to our next meeting.
• Pastors, invite men who are considering or have surrendered to ministry. Associational meetings are essential for serving in a BMA church. If someone is exploring ministry, we should bring them along. Most of our meetings include representatives from Central Baptist College and the BMA Seminary providing a perfect opportunity to learn about higher education in ministry. We can also introduce them to our ministry friends and discuss various ways they can serve the Kingdom. Moreover, these young men can view pastors differently by spending time with you and others.
• Pastors, invite fellow pastors. One of the easiest things you can do is invite another pastor to join you. If their church cannot afford a hotel room, consider sharing one with a pastor friend. That can help build friendships in our work and provide a fellow servant with encouragement and information available at our meetings.
Pastors, I encourage you to enhance our meetings by bringing at least one additional person with you. One advantage of our state meeting is the opportunity to visit Central Baptist College. Duffy Guyton, Jessica Faulkner, and their team did an outstanding job hosting us for the 2024 meeting.
Church members, please remember that our meetings are not just for lead pastors. In fact, if you are between pastors, attending our local, state and national meetings may be even more important. These meetings can be great opportunities to meet pastors and connect with potential candidates for your open position. We encourage you to join us at the next associational meeting.
Youth workers can join the conversation at I would love to know what keeps you from attending more of our meetings or why you choose to attend.
Dan Carson
BMA Youth Department Director Dan Carson writes a weekly column titled, Student Ministry Matters, through which he inspires, challenges, and informs BMA of Arkansas churches and church staff about all things pertaining to student ministry.
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