STATE MISSIONS: Temptation — Gen. 29:1-12 (Part 2 of 3): The Warning Signs
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Temptation — Gen. 29:1-12 (Part 2 of 3): The Warning Signs

      Last week, we looked at two conditions connected to the storm of temptation. Now, let us observe the warning signs.

      Statistics show couple after couple today repeatedly state that it was loneliness that drove them to adultery. Of course, that is no excuse to cheat, but we are trying to find causes. By now, husbands and wives should be aware of the danger of loneliness.

A person can eat, sleep and spend their life with someone and yet be lonely. We overlook our spouses when we become so consumed in ourselves or others. That is when our actions spell trouble.

      From a casual reading, we can tell the real cause for Potiphar’s wife’s actions was selfish lust. We are told Joseph was a goodly person and well favored (handsome). She cast her eyes upon him literally with desire. Now listen to James, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath ,conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James. 1:14-15).

      Potiphar’s wife was driven by uncontrolled lust that made her do what she did. And having position, she could justify her sin by blaming someone else. We need not be guilty of blaming someone else for our sin. Adam tried and it didn’t work then either. The marriage vows say, “for better or worse, till death do us part.” Johnny Cash said, “I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down and the flames went higher.” This could describe many a person struggling with temptations.

      One thing that will help is this — don’t assume too much. Have an open line of communication with your spouse. Couples would be better off talking more than sulking. God is greater than any problem, and all we need do is pray. Think of such betrayal as if you robbed someone with a gun. It is just something you do not do unless you have serious issues. Yet spouses are guilty every day of nearly stomping the life out of their spouses. So, as a Christian, recognize the negative potential of loneliness and lust, not only in ourselves but also in others.

      We must avoid the call to temptation when we are tempted (in many areas of life such as to fight, lie, cheat, sensual, etc.). We must say “no” to the very idea. “But he refused, and said unto his master’s wife, Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand. There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:8-9).

      Here we see two things. One was the destruction that giving in to temptation could bring to one’s success. Joseph reaffirms his great success and why giving in to temptation not only can ruin a career, but it may even wreck a family. And secondly, he thought, “What this will do to my spiritual life? How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Notice he did not say against Potiphar but God, because sin of any form is against God. Joseph knew, like all sins, there is always a price to be paid, and a judgment one must face.

      When all else fails to shut out the call of temptation, just remember who you are — a child of God — and that one day you will stand before Him and give an account of those things done in this life.

From Our Missionaries

      Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “Do you remember Benjamin and Alanis, a Venezuelan couple we helped with some paperwork they needed to complete? Last week, they expressed their desire to get married, so I offered them some premarital talks.

We had nine hours of talking about marriage in light of the Word of God. They were very attentive, participated and shared their lives, and it was obvious that they were seeking God’s teaching in His Word.

       “We began cleaning the exterior of the building Thursday — washing walls, cutting bushes, cutting tree branches that hindered lighting, cutting grass and repairing equipment. We had to stop Sunday afternoon because of the coming storm. Thank God for the willingness of these brothers to maintain the building.”

      Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Last Sunday, we had a recognition of our four young people who graduated from high school. We prayed for them and gave them a small gift. Some of them will continue their university studies, and we are praying that God will continue to open doors for them. We have few young people in Ebenezer right now, but we are praying that God will continue to bring new young people to our congregation.

      “In past articles, I told you about Neymar, one of our children who is being treated for cancer. Thank God, he is getting better. He and his family connect to Ebenezer online every Sunday. Georgina is Neymar’s mom, and she had asked us to pray for Colton, who was undergoing cancer treatment. This week, we found out that Colton had lost the fight against his disease. Georgina has been strengthened by God throughout this time, and she has been a missionary to other parents who are in the same circumstances. Let us pray for her and all her family for strength.

       “Ebenezer continues to thank God for all of you and for your prayers. If it were not for the support you give us, it would be very difficult to have this ministry among the Hispanic community. To God be the glory!”

     Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had another great week at Faith Chapel! We had a really good number for worship even though, once again, several were out for various reasons. But we also had several visitors, aside from our ‘faithful visitors,’ with one first-time visitor. It was a really good service.

       “The building is showing progress. The painters are coming Monday or Tuesday, and we have almost finished the siding on the new addition the Master’s Builders helped us with. It is going to be so nice to finally move in and begin to use the new building. There is so much work involved in building a new building like this, but it will be so worth it when we are able to be in there — and we know it will be soon.

       “Thank you all for your continued support, and especially for your prayers! God is hearing and answering them. Please continue, and we will continue to lift you up in prayer as well.”

      Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “The mission loves this time of year! The summer always brings the opportunity to share God’s message through Vacation Bible School with children in our area who might not otherwise be involved in a church to hear about Him.

      “I was asked to be the speaker at Celebration Baptist Church in Haskell this past week at their Mega Kids Camp. The main theme of this week was about being the Light of the World and the Salt of the Earth.

       “We had a good group of young adults and children in attendance this week at Faith Journey. We spoke on needing boldness in our lives for Christ and how to achieve that in our ministry. We need to study the Word and ask God to give us opportunities to share His story with others who come into our daily walk. We are praying that each of us gains more boldness in Him to make His kingdom known.”

      Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We met with Pastor Dana William and his wife, Kimberly on Tuesday. He is the pastor of Cornerstone, our mother church, and he told us they are very happy to be part of our mission.

He also shared that they were there to help us grow, and we could immediately notice it since they are helping us with the church expenses by donating equipment to maintain the church. They also invited us to a fair where they were going to have a stand to publicize their church. We shared the table and gave out information about our church and distributed tracts. Nine people were also able to evangelize.

       “I was sharing the gospel with five families this week in a place where they go to look for food.

       “We had a low attendance Sunday because there was heavy rain at the time of the service and several families were on trips for the holidays.”

      Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “We had a great week with our Connection Groups. Three of the four sustaining groups met, and the Woodbridge Connection Group had a packed house with 21!

      “This week was also our monthly Collective Gathering, which is where all our Connection Groups meet to celebrate what God is doing and to worship corporately. The night often involves testimonies, multiple Scripture readings and multiple prayer times. This week was more like a traditional service, with a time of worship and a full message. I shared a message entitled, ‘What if the Disciples Carried Out Their Mission Like Us?’ We looked at the continual line of disciple-making since the generation of the 12 disciples, and we don’t want it to end with us. We constantly talk about the core of what we’re to do as Christ-followers — to follow and fish.

      “It was a difficult night because it was the last night our worship leaders, Robby and Leah Herrage, would be with us. They had moved to the area from Mobile, Ala. to lead us in worship and have been with us since the beginning. We have been able to have their leadership through the Silas Partnership.”

      El Faro #2 Hispanic Mission, Cabot/Jacksonville: Michael Hight writes, “Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking at Celebration Baptist Church in Haskell. We lived in Haskell when the mission started, and it has been exciting to see how God continues to bless them.

      “This is a big week for me — I am meeting with the neurologist from Arizona on Tuesday to get my final diagnosis and a treatment plan. I am praying for some concrete answers.

      “We have set the time to start our mission’s public worship services and will spend the summer working toward that day. Please keep us in your prayers!”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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