STATE MISSIONS: We Need to Have The Hammer Cocked!
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: We Need to Have The Hammer Cocked!

      “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately” (Luke 12:35-36.).

     Our God urges believers toward wakefulness and watchfulness, while also prompting unbelievers to seek repentance and faith. Jesus’ instructions were given at a time when the kingdom was imminent. The disciples expected Jesus to set up His kingdom. They left occupations to announce the arrival of this kingdom.

  Jesus assured them to seek Him first and the kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus knew their weaknesses in the face of overwhelming odds. The message required haste. It deserved all the time, talents, and toil of these men as they were to be preoccupied with kingdom matters.

      “Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them” (Luke 12:37). Jesus knew for us to be effective we would need to rid ourselves of all worldly cares and responsibilities that would distract us from the task ahead. We are to be as ready as servants who wait for the house owner’s arrival. By His promise, they know He is coming. The time of the Lord’s return is imminent as far as men are concerned. If we do not want to be caught off guard, we must maintain a sleepless vigilance or God-conscious. Because His coming grows ever nearer, we should be stimulated to discharge our duties faithfully.

      In 1980, I built Liberty Memorial Church for Kenneth Bobo in Memphis. On his bulletin was the following — we have stopped looking for the sign and have started listening for the sound. We are to love His appearing, which means look for it and long for it. Don’t be guilty of carelessness. A man’s attitude concerning the Lord’s return will affect his actions. His behavior reflects his beliefs. Or, as I like to say, what is down in the well comes up in the bucket.

      Too many profess but do not possess. For in the last days, men will be lovers of self more than lovers of God. We are living in that time. As the old song says, “It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.”

      Ask yourself, are you ready for the Lord’s return? Have you truly been born again? Are you one of His? If not, then why not?

      No doubt some of you have family and friends you do not know if they are saved or not. Make it a point to ask them in love. Who knows, your concern may be just what that person needs. God desires to use you and me for His glory.

From Our Missionaries

         Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “During the Wednesday night meeting, the youth worked on their resolutions for 2025 in the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical areas. They decorated their resolutions using different materials, such as paint, glitter, stickers, markers, etc. The ladies held another of their usual meetings where they shared the word of God and edified each other.

      “On Friday, the snow prevented us from getting to the temple, but we encouraged the brothers to pray in the warmth of their homes.

      “Sunday, we continued our studies in Ecclesiastes with chapter 6. At the end of the meeting, the children and youth played with the snow still around the temple. Of course, we had the opportunity to share photographs of the snowmen that each family had made.”

         Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Thank God it has been a good week at Ebenezer. Every year during January, we suspend our Bible Discovery Study (DBS) and go to each home to pray and dedicate each man with the priestly blessing from Numbers 6.

Last week, we prayed for Jose Luis Bautista and his family on Monday. On Tuesday, we prayed for Jackson Herrera. He is single and interested in the spiritual life. Pray for both to give their lives to Christ.

      “Because of the snow, both Ebenzer and our mother church suspended the Celebration Service. We were connected via online and enjoyed a good time of worship, thanksgiving and edification through the Word of God.

      “This week, our children go to college again, and the house is alone. Pray for them for humility and wisdom from God. Pray for Ebenezer, this week, we will pray for three different households. Pray for the ‘Gospel Movements’ workshop we will begin next Sunday. Thank you for your support. To God be the glory!”

         Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “What a great week we had at Faith Chapel. We had a really good number and a great time of worship, even though we had seven inches of snow on Thursday night and Friday. We got our parking lot mostly cleared off on Saturday and made sure we could meet because it was a very special day for us.

We had our first baptism in the new building. Praise God! It was wonderful! Kylie Harris was saved a couple of weeks ago and baptized this morning! She was especially happy that the water was warm! That heater option on the baptistry was a great idea!

      “Karen and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary on Wednesday. I thank God for her every day. I could not do this without her. God put us together for a reason. If you have met her, you know how blessed I am! Praise God again!

      “Thank you all again for your prayers and support. We are truly grateful for both and for you all!”

       Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Despite the challenges with the snow, Faith Journey had a meaningful and impactful week. We had to dismiss services due to the parking lots still being covered with snow. We were still able to visit the nursing homes and connect with the residents.

   One of the facilities mentioned Faith Journey on their social media, commenting on how blessed they are that we are able to come worship together with them every week. We are grateful that we can have a positive impact on the community by sharing Christ with them. We are the ones who are blessed and feel appreciative of them for allowing us to be a part of their lives every week. We hope to get back to our normal schedule this week.”

         Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We are moving quickly toward the middle of the month, and the week for us as a family has been difficult. On Monday, I had to take Patty to the emergency room. For days, she had difficulty breathing, and she was diagnosed with Bronchitis.

I spent the week between doctors, medicines and my wife in bed, but amid all these storms, the Lord led us to reflect on her place during all this storm. We were able to praise Him and glorify that He is in control and with us despite all. There were also many expressions of support and prayers from the church for Patty. Her illness has united us as a church.

      “On Saturday, a family who had just joined the church came and helped me shovel the snow and prepare everything for our Sunday service. On Sunday, as has been customary in our Sunday service, we had one visitor, and Silvia, the woman who arrived last Saturday in despair, who received Christ, returned with her children. She looked very different, and we prayed that the Lord would continue to work in her transformation.”

           Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “Only half our Connection Groups could start back this week due to the snow, but it was so good to see how everyone genuinely missed each other after the Christmas break. The Woodbridge group wrapped up studying The Gospel of John and moved on to the ‘loving one another’ passages this week.

  The Garfield group will begin their journey through John this week. On Sunday, we had our first student gathering planned, but the place we were using had to cancel because of the snow. We still held our monthly Collective Gathering at Room 161. It wasn’t the huge night we had planned originally, but it worked out perfectly as our hosting coaches had the chance to share struggles, be encouraged and worship together. Our student gathering is rescheduled for this coming Sunday.

      “Please pray for our coach households — Chadwell, King, Leatherwood, McCandless, Petrocelli, Sailors and Simon. Pray for the prospective coach households of Stewart and Wright.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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