STUDENT MINISTRY: Prepping for the Fall
It may be the middle of the summer, but it is time to start thinking about the fall semester for your students. I know it seems weird to think ahead to cooler times when we are melting from the warm days of summer, but it will be here before we know it.
If this is your first round of student ministry or your 20th, there are some things you need to think about as you plan out your fall:
• Consider your teaching plan. What will you teach during the fall? Will your studies align with the other ministries in the church? Will you work through a book of the Bible? Among the things we do as student ministry workers, teaching is pretty high up on the list. We need to make sure we are giving our students a steady diet of Bible.
• Consider a theme for the fall or even the whole year. What will you emphasize this year? Do your students need to learn more about evangelism? Do they need to focus on prayer this year? What areas of study or ministry do your students need to spend time with? This can be communicated through lessons, social media or other creative ways.
• Consider special nights for your youth meetings. Will you have something for a kick-off night? Do you have a See You After the Pole event? Will you have a Thanksgiving activity? Will you have a Christmas party? Special nights don’t just happen. Sit down with your calendar and your youth leaders and map out September through December.
• Consider your event schedule. Will you have any trips, concerts or conferences for your students? Will you have any training times for your leaders? Will Fifth Quarters be a part of your plan? In addition to your special nights at youth group, you need to think about the other events you may incorporate into your ministry. Be intentional about these things and encourage only things that are of value.
I haven’t given you any specific activities or plans because I don’t know your people. You do. Take time to think about your plans and what God has for you this fall.
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Dan Carson
BMA Youth Department Director Dan Carson writes a weekly column titled, Student Ministry Matters, through which he inspires, challenges, and informs BMA of Arkansas churches and church staff about all things pertaining to student ministry.
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