Tinoco Uses Technology to Reach Tarma and Tribes
Holly Meriweather

Tinoco Uses Technology to Reach Tarma and Tribes

Lifeword Global Partner and BMA Pastor Paul Tinoco has been a part of the BMA since 1996 when he wrote an unsigned thank you letter that eventually found its way to BMAA Missionary to Bolivia Jimmy Swindoll. The letter praised Lifeword’s El Contacto Cristiano radio program and its preaching of sound doctrine, along with a request to join the association, which was granted. During a medical mission trip (BMMI) to Peru in 2015 Tinoco, met Director of Operations Luis Ortega, who later contacted Tinoco and introduced him to Lifeword Community Radio.

Since then, he has led the effort to take the gospel to Peru through media. Tinoco pastors Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Tarma in Tarma, Peru, where there are six mission churches. For the past two years, he and his church members have been unable to meet because of the pandemic, but now they go out into the streets to evangelize on Thursdays and Saturdays. COVID restrictions have been very hard on the people of Peru, but he says, “Lifeword’s resources have been very helpful to continue carrying the gospel. Thanks to them, we have been able to focus on working with another jungle tribe.”

Bro. Tinoco has a clear calling that includes people groups in difficult-to-reach areas. When he hears about unreached tribes, he begins planning the installation of powerful transmitters in the jungles of Peru where there are no evangelical radio stations. Currently, there are 32 community radio stations in Peru that cover almost the entire country. Some station transmitters have been lost through the years, he said, and some are small transmitters that don’t last long, so maintenance is always necessary.


The jungle tribe Tinoco referenced is the Asheninkas (not to be confused with the Ashaninkas whose spelling and pronunciation is almost identical). The Asheninkas are geographically closer and can be reached in five to six hours. Since 2021, he and ministry leaders have been working with this tribe, and they already have a piece of land to build a church that will be made of wood. They call it “Noah’s Ark.” Currently, he and his leaders are training someone to lead this people group.


With a total of 122 churches, the Ashaninkas people group has a more mature work with 3 leaders, one of whom has planted 14 churches. Travel to the rivers and jungles of the Ashaninkas takes almost 15 hours by boat. Because of geographic situations, it is better to have two different radio stations — one for Ashaninkas and another one for Asheninkas.


Recordings have been produced in Quechua, where E. Harold Hernderson’s doctrinal teachings have been translated. (To hear a sample of these broadcasts, visit the Lifeword Cloud: lifeword.org/quechua). An application has also been submitted for new licenses in the jungle. There are four types of Quechua, and they have planned a November meeting in the jungle with the other language groups.


In Islave, a powerful radio station that is licensed and approved was installed over five years ago and is going strong. Pastor Edy Quispe and his brothers are preaching in Aymara and recording monthly programs that not only can be heard in the city of Islave but also in parts of Bolivia. These programs are also a translation of E. Harold Henderson’s doctrinal sermons about what we believe as BMA Baptists. (To hear a sample of these broadcasts, visit the Lifeword Cloud: lifeword.org/aymara.)


The Muruhay people live in an area of paganism and idolatry where the “dark arts” are practiced. A new program is in the works to reach those who are caught up in the occult, and Bro. Tinoco is praising the Lord that a brother has opened his home as a station to transmit the gospel by radio.

Because the government has changed management, they still need an official transmission license from the Ministry of Transportation. Although it is not yet approved, Pastor Paul says that process is 99% complete. They are also applying for new licenses in the jungles of Peru because there are no evangelical stations in the area. There is already a transmitter in the district of Ocobamba, but they are waiting for the official transport license.

While some of these tribes also speak Spanish, it is not their heart language, which is the most effective way for people to understand the gospel. Tinoco’s burden for jungle pastors and churches has led him to travel many kilometers to find them and share the gospel despite the difficulties.

Now 65 years old, he says, “I only ask for your prayers for a lot of strength to continue working. It has been difficult because of the pandemic, but it has helped raise up other leaders, which has given me all the desire to go out with new strength to evangelize. I am thankful to God for providing leaders.”

Team Lifeword Information

Lifeword Sunday 2022 is Oct. 23! Register your church at lifeword.org/lifeword-sunday. If your church would like to schedule a team member to come and share what God is doing through Lifeword’s ministry, contact Jennifer at jennifer@lifeword.org. 

Please join us in praying for a new Ukrainian video production that will explain how hope is found in every book of the Bible and promising God’s presence in the midst of tragedy. Also pray for the new Muslim converts being persecuted for their faith, that God will give them the strength to continue to be faithful to His Word and seek to know Him more.

We also praise God for a new Bible study and discipleship training aimed at college students in Katmandu. Pray that it will give them the confidence to share their faith. We also praise Him for new opportunities in the Philippines to add transmitters and radio stations in remote villages that have no other way to hear the gospel.

Holly Meriweather

Holly MeriweatherHolly Meriweather

Holly Meriweather is the lead writer for the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

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