TRUMPET NOTES: February 16,2022
Baby Saved from Abortion Via
Safe Haven Box in Conway
Arkansas Right to Life reported that a newborn baby was safely and anonymously surrendered to first responders at Fire Station #1 Conway via the fire station’s Safe Haven Baby Box last week.
Arkansas’ Safe Haven Act of 2001 lets a woman surrender her newborn baby to law enforcement, medical personnel and first responders. The law gives women with unplanned pregnancies an option besides abortion, and it protects newborns from being abandoned. Similar laws are on the books in all 50 states.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes like the one in Conway can be installed at fire stations. They let a woman surrender her newborn legally using a specialized, hospital-grade bassinet that keeps the baby secure while a silent alarm notifies first responders inside the fire station that the baby is there.
Arkansas Right to Life currently is leading a billboard campaign to raise awareness about the state’s Safe Haven law. (
Abortion Clinics May Be on Federal Lands If Roe v. Wade Overturned
As the Supreme Court considers a case that directly challenges Roe v. Wade’s 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, legal minds are exploring strategies to protect abortion access. One such option proposes placing abortion facilities on federal land within states that restrict or ban abortion. The idea is that these facilities would fall under federal governance, rather than state law.
Gerard Bradley, a professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches legal ethics and constitutional law, found the strategy impractical — on the surface. He outlined the role of federal law in this situation. “No state law banning abortion in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe could override a federal law which specifically permitted abortions,” he said. “It is surely within the power of the federal government to say, for instance, that in federal prisons and on military bases there shall be access to lawful abortion notwithstanding any state law which prohibits it.”
As an example of what he called a “complex problem,” Bradley pointed to the recent Supreme Court cases regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In January, the court blocked Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for large businesses, while allowing a new federal rule to go forward that requires millions of health care workers to be fully vaccinated.
Bradley examined the legislative branch’s authority regarding abortion. “The true constitutional fact is that, under existing court interpretations of the extent of congressional power, Congress could legislate permissive abortion across the United States,” he said, adding that politicians and pundits sometimes describe this as “codifying Roe.”
He pointed to the judicial branch as the solution. “The only way to put a stop to all of this, and thus the only way to truly end legal abortion, is for the Supreme Court to hold as they should, but probably won’t, in Dobbs,” he said. “The court should hold that the constitutional guarantee that all ‘persons’ have the equal protection of laws against being killed extends all the way to conception, because that is when ‘persons’ begin.”
Pro-life groups weighed in on the idea of leasing federal land to abortion facilities. Mallory Carroll, the vice president of communications at the Susan B. Anthony List, criticized the strategy. As the president and CEO of Americans United for Life, Catherine Glenn Foster told CNA that the strategy pointed to a larger problem and echoed Bradley’s concern. (
New York Times Claim Is False
In its latest bit of scientific revisionism, the New York Times falsely claims unborn babies don’t have beating hearts. This new terminology is not based on facts or scientific evidence. It’s based on an agenda that supports abortion on demand. “Embryonic pulsing,” for example, is such a vague description that it is hard to understand precisely what it means. And it appears to have been used that way on purpose.
From the New York Times article: “The Texas law banning abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy is based on a singular premise disputed by many medical experts: that once an ultrasound detects electrical cardiac activity in an embryo, its heart is beating and a live birth is on the way.
“At this very early stage of a pregnancy...the embryo is the size of a pomegranate seed and has only a primitive tube of cardiac cells that emit electric pulses and pump blood....
“The Texas law, which makes no exceptions for cases of rape or incest, forbids abortion at the time a ‘heartbeat’ can be heard, which usually occurs at six weeks of gestation… But what the law defines as the sound of a heartbeat is not considered by medical experts to be coming from a developed heart, which forms later in pregnancy.
“The consensus among most medical experts is that the electrical activity picked up on an ultrasound at six weeks is not the sound of a heart beating…. The sound expectant mothers hear during a scan is created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.”
The New York Times disguises the truth and attempts to manipulate the public into believing something different from what they know to be true. Many years ago, scientific research established the fact that an unborn baby’s heart starts beating around four weeks, or 21 days, after fertilization — usually before the woman knows she is pregnant. Many sources on fetal development report this, though others link to evidence that the heartbeat begins at 18 days. (
Nation’s President Responds
To DS Girl Who Was Bullied
A little girl with Down Syndrome from the Southeast European country of North Macedonia has faced bullying and discrimination. When her nation’s president heard about her plight, he took empathetic action.
President Stevo Pendarovski didn’t just visit with 11-year-old Embla Ademi and her family to hear her struggles. After hearing of the discrimination and pain she reportedly endured, he decided to personally escort her to school on Feb. 7.
Photos show the two walking hand-in-hand in the city of Gostivar as they made their way to Embla’s school. The visit came after some parents purportedly complained that the little girl was in the same class as their kids.
“We are all equal in this society,” Pendarovski said of the visit. “I came to give my support and to raise awareness that inclusion is a basic principle.” The president said it is unacceptable to harm kids’ rights, specifically when it comes to those with disabilities. He said everyone should feel “equal and welcome” at school.
The North Macedonian president’s actions sent a clear sign to those watching about the importance of kindness and inclusion for those like Embla. (
Christian Fired for Refusing to Fill Abortion Drug Prescriptions
A former CVS Pharmacy nurse accused the company of religious discrimination after she said she was fired for refusing to fill prescriptions for contraception that may cause abortions.
Christianity Daily reports nurse practitioner Robyn Strader of Fort Worth, Texas, and her lawyers at First Liberty Institute, filed a formal complaint against CVS with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, pointing to federal laws that protect the conscience rights of pro-life medical workers.
Strader said she made her Christian beliefs very clear when she was hired by the CVS Pharmacy in Keller, Texas more than six years ago. Before starting the job, she asked for a religious accommodation not to prescribe birth control, and the company agreed to accommodate her beliefs, according to the complaint.
Strader said she worked at CVS for more than six years without any problems. Then, on Aug. 26, 2021, the company told all nurses that they must “perform essential services related to pregnancy prevention,” her lawyers said. A few days later, Strader said her manager told her that she did not have a religious accommodation on file with the company — something that “surprised and alarmed” her, according to the complaint.
After about a month, she said she received her first warning that she would be fired if she refused to comply with the new company policy. She asked the company for a religious exemption, but she was fired on Oct. 31, 2021, her lawyers said. CVS Pharmacy did not return requests for comment from several news outlets covering the story. (
Teen Leads His Tribe to Jesus
A Pakistani teenager has reportedly led his entire tribe to embrace Jesus, a remarkable story shared this week by Mission News Network (MNN).
A 17-year-old going by the pseudonym “Rehan” for security reasons was working as a waiter when he met Safdar, a truck driver and partner with a missions group called FMI. Safdar gave Rehan an audio Bible after they met, and the teen listened. Then, he started meeting with Safdar to talk about God and the Bible. Soon, he became a Christian and was baptized, according to MNN.
Rehan soon shared the gospel message with his family and community members. Considering the sweeping and intense persecution Christians face in Pakistan, these actions were dangerous and, without a doubt, courageous. At first, Rehan’s parents, who were receptive to the gospel, were scared, but he reportedly forged on.
A man named Nehemiah, who works for FMI, explained that Rehan wasn’t dissuaded. He invited missionaries to minister to his tribe and share the gospel and the results were incredible. Rehan’s 60-person tribe reportedly stopped participating in Muslim prayer and turned toward Jesus.
“One evening, he gathered all the tribe’s members under one big tent. First, Rehan showed a movie about Jesus,” Nehemiah told MNN. “Then, an FMI partner shared a 15-minute devotion about new hope in Christ. That day, a 17-year-old boy led his whole tribe to the Lord Jesus Christ.” (
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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