Wrapping Up The Year
By Jeff Herring, Executive Editor
As we prepare for our final issue of the year, we eagerly anticipate how God will demonstrate His faithfulness in 2025. I was privileged to be with Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lowell this past Sunday morning and Pastor Dana Williams. The church was very welcoming and it was a joy to share about the mission of the Trumpet. I want to close out the year by sharing a few things to keep in mind as we look ahead to 2025:
• Trumpet Team — During the state meeting in November, I introduced our theme for 2025 — “Your Connection to the Mission: Informed. Inspired. Involved.” I also presented a challenge for churches and individuals to join the Trumpet Team and help address the $10,000 decline in our monthly donations over the past four years. We are seeking 20 churches or individuals willing to commit to contributing an additional $50 per month for the next 12 months to help offset this reduction in our monthly support, which is essential for maintaining a strong financial foundation to continue producing the Trumpet each week.
• Rate Increase — I also mentioned that our decline in subscribers resulted in a $45,000 decrease in subscription income over the past four years. To address this loss, the Publications Committee proposed, and the association approved, a rate increase that will take effect with the first issue in January. As I noted in my report, the average church plan has 26 members and will see an increase of just over $17 per month, while most church plans have 20 members or fewer and will experience a smaller increase.
I made this commitment in my report, and I want to reiterate it today: if your church finds that this rate increase will prevent you from continuing your church plan subscription, please reach out to me. I will find a way to cover the increased cost for your church for one year, as we can’t afford to lose subscribers — that’s why we do what we do… to keep our readers informed, inspired and involved!
• Trumpet Ambassadors Needed — As mentioned in my annual report, we are seeking individuals who are willing to serve as ambassadors for the Trumpet. These ambassadors will help reach out to churches and individuals who are not subscribed, encouraging them to connect with the Trumpet. We will provide you with everything you need to succeed in this role. If you are interested in supporting this effort to raise awareness about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet, please email me at editor@baptisttrumpet.com or call the office at (501) 565-4601. There is no commitment required to begin. We will meet with everyone interested in becoming an ambassador to discuss how you can play a vital role in the future of this ministry and the association as a whole.
• Special Emphasis 2025 — As we look ahead to the new year, the association designated March and April as the time for us to raise funds for special projects and needs within our ministry. Although we have not yet finalized plans and goals for our Special Emphasis, I recognize that some may be in a position to make a year-end contribution that would benefit this ministry and provide tax advantages for the donor. Any funds received as a one-time special offering will count toward our Special Emphasis goal for 2025. You can mail a check to Baptist Trumpet, P.O. Box 192208, Little Rock, AR 72209, or give online at BaptistTrumpet.com by clicking on “Donate” in the menu.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Associate Editor Allan Eakin and I thank you for supporting this ministry. We pray you enjoy some special time with your family during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. We also recognize that many of you may be missing loved ones at this time of year, and our prayer is that you will remember them and the legacy they leave as you seek to honor and glorify the Lord. God has given us the greatest gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus. May we all remember this as we spend time with family and friends in the coming weeks.
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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