Middle East Ministry Update All The News|BMA Global Missions Updates|BMA Missions|Spotlight On Missions Middle East Ministry Update
CBC PROFILE: Board of Trustee Meeting Highlights CBC PROFILE: Board of Trustee Meeting Highlights The CBC Board of Trustees met on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21. The three standing committees of the Board (Academic, Advancement and... All The News|Premium Content|Free Article|CBC Profile
STATE MISSIONS: Blessing and a Privilege STATE MISSIONS: Blessing and a Privilege Friday night, I traveled to DeWitt to attend the Prairie Association annual meeting held at the Sunnyside Baptist Church and friend and... All The News|Premium Content|Free Article|Arkansas State Missions
STUDENT MINISTRY: Dealing With Death STUDENT MINISTRY: Dealing With Death Whether you are a lead pastor or a youth pastor, dealing with death is a part of the job. I often wonder if the number of funerals I attend... All The News|Student Ministry Matters
HEALTHY CHURCH: Seasons of Perseverance HEALTHY CHURCH: Seasons of Perseverance The keyword is perseverance when trials and crises occur in our lives and in our churches. Romans 5:3-4 (NIV) states, “Not only so, but... All The News|Premium Content|Free Article|Healthy Church Solutions