BMA Disaster Relief partners with Just the Crumbs to serve hot meals to people during a disaster. Just the Crumbs is currently set up in four North Carolina locations and will be expanding to a fifth location as soon as we find a way to cook. There are two ways you can get involved:
• Go — Teams have been on the ground for several weeks. We are scheduling teams to go and serve. Right now, Just the Crumbs is serving around 5,000 people every day. They also just started ...
Something truly remarkable is happening in a new area called Malongalonga, and I want to share this with you in the hope that it will stir your hearts as it has stirred ours. Malongalonga is made up of four villages — Mubiana, Lusumo, Chikuyu and Makamba. These villages have held a special place in our hearts, as we witness God’s unimaginable work.
• New Beginning in Lusumo...