STATE MISSIONS: If a Man Be in Christ (part 2) STATE MISSIONS: If a Man Be in Christ (part 2) All The News|Arkansas State Missions
HEALTHY CHURCH: Keep Moving Forward HEALTHY CHURCH: Keep Moving Forward I once heard someone ask a pastor what he thought was the hardest part of pastoring. His response? “Watching people once active,... All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
JUST THINKING: God's Unlimited Love JUST THINKING: God's Unlimited Love I was just thinking about how much our great God loves us — mere human beings. There are no boundaries to His love that has reached from... All The News|Just Thinking
SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT: "O" IS FOR OBSERVANT SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT: "O" IS FOR OBSERVANT Oh, we’re at the O in MISSIONARY. We’ve looked at Motivated, Impactful, Servant-hearted, Strategic and Intentionally Indigenous. O stands... All The News
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia Mwabuka Buti (Good morning)! It is hard to believe that July is over, which means our winter is almost finished. Yes, you read that... All The News|BMA Missions|Spotlight On Missions