STATE MISSIONS: Special Emphasis Theme 2024: An Acceptable Sacrifice All The News|Arkansas State Missions STATE MISSIONS: Special Emphasis Theme 2024: An Acceptable Sacrifice
STUDENT MINISTRY: Final Moments with Your Seniors STUDENT MINISTRY: Final Moments with Your Seniors All The News|Student Ministry Matters
HEALTHY CHURCH: Discipleship 101 HEALTHY CHURCH: Discipleship 101 Is the discipleship that local churches are practicing the same discipleship Jesus described and the early church practiced? One poll says... All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
JUST THINKING: Christ Our Refuge and Blessing JUST THINKING: Christ Our Refuge and Blessing I was just thinking about how absolutely wonderful the Word of God is. Whether reading about His awesome creation, His plan of... All The News|Just Thinking
SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT: “I” is for Impactful SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT: “I” is for Impactful Putting the shoe on the other foot looks kind of awkward. It is also uncomfortable and maybe painful. It has, though, its benefits. It... All The News
BMMI in Colombia BMMI in Colombia By Margaret Anderson In April 2024, a BMMI (Baptist Medical Missions International) team traveled to Colombia, where the group served... All The News|BMA Missions