All The News|BMA Missions
The Amazing Providence of God
By Dale Thornton, Former Missionary to Taiwan
(via — God’s guiding providence is manifested in all things from the creation in Gen. 1:1 to the Second Coming of Christ in Rev. 22:17. So, I stand in awe of the providence of God when I think about the life of my friends, Jack and LaTrell Bateman. God’s intentional and unwavering providence always brings glory and honor to Himself, and so it was in the life of Jack and LaTrell. This is the story of the unfolding of God’s ...
STATE MISSIONS: Family Reunion
I was blessed to get to visit Faith Chapel last week and have the opportunity to personally thank the Master’s Builders for their labor of love for your State Missions’ works. The photo above represents three generations of church planters — Highland Hills, the grandmother church represented by me; the mother church, The Bridge Church, represented by pastor Hershel Conley, and their...