STUDENT MINISTRY: Loving Our Students, Even When They Continue to Mess Up

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STUDENT MINISTRY: Loving Our Students, Even When They Continue to Mess Up

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Back in September, my furry freeloader, Claude, did something stupid. He ate a pair of underwear. (I know that’s a wild way to start a story.) While we might call the act ignorant because he didn’t know better, by human standards, it was stupid. After a trip to the vet, surgery and $2,000, we had our dog back. He had less intestines than when he went in, but he was back causing chaos in our home. I’ve come to the conclusion that is his job. I might even go as far as to say that he is my ...
STATE MISSIONS: Spring Advisory Committee/Missionaries Meeting

STATE MISSIONS: Spring Advisory Committee/Missionaries Meeting

0 279
All The News | Arkansas State Missions
Monday, all the members of the Advisory Committee met in the office in Little Rock, along with our state missionaries to hear the missionaries’ reports and to handle other business. While I will not try to deliberate on all, I will say that, overall, it was every encouraging and profitable. Please pray for the missionaries and those who faithfully serve on our committee for their...


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