All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: Signs of a Healthy Student Ministry-Gospel Centered
As we come to the end of the year and look forward to a new one, it is important that we make sure we are staying on track with all areas of our student ministries. While we may have some ideas of what a successful student ministry looks like, we need to make sure we are evaluating according to God’s standards and no one else’s. This week, we want to understand our great need to be gospel-centered in our student ministries.
More than just a ministry buzzword, gospel-centrality pushes us ...
STAND FIRM: Future Headline Came Too Fast
Well, I wasn’t fast enough. Anyone who followed my sports career know that’s true, but I’m referring to my writing articles on future headlines. A couple months back, I did a series of “Future Headline” articles which looked at prophecy in terms of headlines we will see according to Bible prophecy. I limited myself to only 11 — yeah, just 11! It could have been tons, though, which is a...