All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
Engage in His Business
“When will the Lord return?” “Are we living in the last days now?” These questions are being asked by many today because of the events going on in our world. In Luke 19, the Scriptures make it clear that Jesus came to “seek and to save” the lost. Then we are given the parable of the 10 servants where we are told to “occupy” until the nobleman returns. In other words, you and I are called to “engage” in His business until He comes, whenever that might be. The focus must continue to be on ...
TRUMPET NOTES: April 6, 2022
Jasper Becomes Arkansas’
12th Pro-Life City
On March 17, the Jasper City Council adopted a resolution affirming that the community is Pro-Life. Jasper is located near the scenic Buffalo River, and it is the Newton County seat. The Newton County Quorum Court also passed its own Pro-Life Resolution earlier this month.
Last year the Arkansas Legislature enacted Act 392 of 2021 by Rep....