All The News|CBC Sports
CBC SPORTS UPDATE: March 23, 2022
• North Little Rock, March 16 — CBC hosted the Buffaloes of Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) at Burns Park. CBC (13-9) pounded out 13 hits, including 5 home runs, to run rule ABC (0-3) 17-1.
• North Little Rock, March 18 — Opening the American Midwest Conference (AMC) schedule, CBC hosted the Trojans of Hanniball-LaGrange (HLGU) at Burns Park. CBC (14-9, 1-0 AMC) came from behind on three separate occasions to defeat HLGU (6-8, 0-1 AMC) 17-15.
• North Little Rock, March 19 — ...
Looking for The Right Volunteers
As we head toward summer, it is time to start planning for the 2022-2023 school year. I know that may seem crazy to the uninitiated, but those of us in student ministry need to always be thinking six months to a year in advance of where we are at any given point in time. That has been extremely difficult during these days of pandemic, but it is time to embrace a spirit of intentionality as we...