STAND FIRM: The Future the American Church - So, If the Church Will Face Challenges, Then What?

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STAND FIRM: The Future the American Church - So, If the Church Will Face Challenges, Then What?

0 77
      This series has been looking at the future of America and the future of the church according to biblical prophecy. Of course, the church’s future is far clearer in Scripture than we can deduce to understand our nation’s future. After laying out the future, I’ve aimed at how we can be practically prepared, asking what tangible ways we can move toward being Christ-followers and churches who remain faithful rather than those who turn away. I by no means have the answers, but I’m hoping ...
EVERYTHING WE NEED: Jesus Loves Me . . . But Why?

EVERYTHING WE NEED: Jesus Loves Me . . . But Why?

0 68
All The News | Feature Writers
      “I don’t know why Jesus loved me; I don’t know why He cared. I don’t why He sacrificed His life. Oh, but I’m glad, so glad He did” (Andre Couch).       What did God see in us to be worthy of His love? Was it our intelligence, our wealth (or lack of it) or our good standing in society? Hardly. We could have had any of those things, but it would not have made us worthy.       We all...


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